Welcome to the Club Penguin Rangers!

Welcome to CPR

Welcome to the Club Penguin Rangers!

Already a soldier? Click here to continue onto the site!

CPR Chat


If you are not a soldier, keep reading please.

Polls of the Week

How to join the Rangers

1. Come to our chat where our friendly staff will invite you to join the Rangers

2. Go to the join page

3. Wait atleast 24 hours before commenting on the Rank page.

4. When added, check the ranks page to see what rank you are

5. Come on chat to receive your rank.

6. Check the site daily for news, updates,

What are the Club Penguin Rangers?

The Club Penguin Rangers (or CPR for short) is a legendary army, formed in 2007, and although it never received much attention, it was always known as one of the most fun armies in Club Penguin. We are also the friendlist army in Club Penguin.

Why should you join the Rangers?

1. Were legendary

2. Were fun! Movie and game nights are being planned!

3. Were super cool

4. Were the former #1 SMAC Top Ten Small, and with your help, we could become major!

How to make sure your child sees as little of swearing as possible: