

Commander: Wyoskyguy

Co-Commanders: OwlCity207, Zach11

Generals:  Ninjaboy246, Reddude5789, Makenzie [AUS]


Major General: Cody





Master Sergeant: 

Sergeant 1st Class: 



Other Ranks

Advisor:  Pup, Tap Dancer36

CPR God: ATM23, ShadowWar95/Gostt, Term

CPR Janitor: Dan


-Mr. Deedledoo
-Red Destoyz
-Zach 11

131 comments on “Ranks

  1. YES!!!! im 2nd n command (Wow!)

    Ktman: Blubob, lets go on chat.

  2. Why are the ranks this way?It looks like we have harly any soldiers. Can we have the squads back to?

    Ktman: I got rid of the rest of our soldiers because most of them where inactive. Squads may come back.

  3. im not in active

  4. hey ktman! its me! ninja09! can i be a lieutenant?

  5. maybe not

  6. Please put me back on. I’ve been gone recently.

  7. thnx for taking meh off the site

  8. im not a leader. i want to be president or leader!
    Mr. Blubob: You have to be loyal, and show up a lot, to get to leader. you cant be inactive like you were. Thats y fishpop and red destoyz arent leaders anymore

    Benu2:You’d have to be in the army at least as long as Mr. Blubob has and usaully the 2nd in command moves up or someother high rank.

  9. Hey i back but um CP lets me on when it feels like it….so basicilly, imnot able to get on all the time but ill try to make it when im on. O and by the way i cant get on then back on so if im not on the right server, im srry i must not have known. but now i can try to be better at attending wars and stuff.

    Rangers lead the way!!!

  10. yay! im a colonel now!


  12. I’m back sorry I went on Vacation. Can I still be a major like I was Before?

    Ktman: Ok.

  13. KTMAN thanks for letting me be a general Your a good and smart leader!


    Ktman: Welcome to the Rangers! Always check this site for Rangers news.

  15. ktman, did u make fishpop co2nd in command, or did he? ’cause he was demoted last time i checked…

    Ktman: I made him second in command with you again because he promised me he would be active again.

  16. who is going to be president

    Benu2:Mr. Blubob or 321 fishpop.

  17. can i be pres to i prove i be better then ktman just me a chance i will give me a month i will deal

    Benu2: Do you have the expirence like KTman, fishpop, Mr blubob, Articsledder, and myself.
    Plus as I’ve said 2nd in command usally moves up or the leader choses someone.
    Mr Blubob: dont be insolent, youre getting really annoying. and also: NEVER BE SO IMPERTINENT AS TO THINK YOURE BETTER THAN KTMAN!!!!!

  18. ok

    Benu2: Sorry for the anger I was tired and stressed. 🙄

  19. oh yeah! general/senate member! thanks ktman! oh yeah!


  21. how can you be a general

    Benu2: We choose.

  22. Can I be a colonel or major at all 😀 ???

    Ktman” You a re very active. How about Major.

  23. Yeah That will defently do me Thanks Ktman

  24. hey ktman! can i be an author? pliz! =)

  25. woah! looks like were small! we need a cooler recruitment video! or a recruitment party! that’s my idea! note:if you said its itachi’s idea, your’e doomed!

  26. when will be the squadrons back? and i have an idea
    the squad names must be changed in this names: alpha squad,bravo squad,delta squad,cobra squad, phoenix squad,mega squad.
    in a squad, it has 5 rangers
    the elite squad is for the high rankers. 5 high rankers only
    note: this is my idea! no one will steal my idea

    Benu2:Before you joined 321fishpop and I made 2 Elite squads and Each squad had 3.We aren’t that big enough and Fishpop’s squads were CPR official names because each army has to make up squads not like real army squads.

  27. Thanks for the rank.

  28. change my name! its ninja09!

  29. can i be a higher rank i done good

  30. I think Colleen man does need to be promoted.

  31. Sweet Im a major. Sorry ive been sooooo disactive.

  32. can some one please help me build my own army

  33. I believe colleen man should be promoted to Colonel or senate member. He has been here for a while

  34. im srry but my name is totheconner not totheconrer

  35. Ihave one question wat happened to the rank of captain and commando

  36. Thanks for the rank! That satisfies me! I’ll do my best!

  37. i totheconner am insulted at the lack of disepline in our soldiers. I caught 1 of our soldiers training the enemy, i am tired of being lafght at behind our backs because we are lacking disipline thats y i ask our great leaders to train our soldiers and be a little more strict.

  38. We dont have any enemies. Who was it anyways?

  39. he was training nachos i will with hold HIS NAME until further notice

  40. can i be a higher rank please ive been a luitenet forever

  41. can i be an advisor????

    Oh please i have had lots of expiriance in that

  42. can i be the co leaders advisor

  43. this group thingy doesnt have a lot of people! i will recruit as much as i can, when i can

  44. Hey IM Shakybadger i was wondering if your army could mearge into my Army CPMA (Clubpenguin Moose Army) We have 25 troops and 10 active troops respond at this site http://www.cpmoosearmy.wordpress.com

  45. hey ktman! i was been very inactive cuz i found out this awesome cool game and i got addicted! its the best flash MMO RPG ive ever seen!
    its http://aqworlds.com/ its awesome!
    you removed me being the general of cpr. well thats ok just move me on some high ranks.

  46. Hey, why did everyone under 5-star general disappear?

  47. Hello Im Surferboysc I Would Enjoy It If You Joined My Army At http://icenachosarmy.wordpress.com/ please join high positions avaible!

  48. can i get a rank please

  49. if i get a rank i will visit club penguin every single day

  50. you have a rank

  51. Um guys its spelled Takashiemiko, not takishiemiko….thx

  52. hey im honored tht im a head general

  53. Lets become enemies!
    BTCP(Black Troops Of Club Penguin)

  54. hey im an active cpr soilder
    im active

  55. Hey, I got my old rank back

  56. hello this is your major general chubby coming to you so HA i like the noob (lol)

    There isn’t 1 Major General as it isnt that big a rank and Itachi was the best

    -Red Destoyz

  57. Hello CPR. i am ninja09! Former Major General of the CPR. if you can give me a high rank again, i will lead our army to VICTORY! it’s been a long time.. where’s Ktman anyway? who’s the new Leader?

  58. Ktman retired sorta and fishpop is leader as it says 😛

  59. yes im luitenuit

  60. if i could could i get one more rank higher plz that is all

  61. Here is your rank

  62. I have been in the canadian base 😀
    Then in a tank
    My dads in da army by the way

  63. Work harder,participate in wars ,battles and other affairs just get on CPR chat alot and you will

  64. oh yes ama Lieutenant thx pepo

  65. i can be a media person guy. im making an anti ACP biased site for all to see. if you would like this to become un-biased, please comment below and if you are ACP,
    TOO BAD! ha ha.
    anyway, heres a link
    plz sign up. ill probably take the armies on CPAC right off of their list, but ill make adjustments to their top 10. ACP won’t be 1st. itll look better when Im done.

  66. yippe im a 1*general

  67. It’s Zach 11 not Zach11

    Red Destoyz Edit- Well Excuuuuuse Me Princess, sorry about the space >.>

  68. Don’t i get added to the site for being a Media Officer?
    (Just Asking)

  69. I did add you someone must of removed you though :/

  70. How do I rank up?
    I know about battles but most of the time I dont know when they are please inform us sooner rather than later.;)

  71. please could i get a rank because i haven’t got one and please could it be a good one

  72. Wow, I havent check this site in a while.. But guess what, I’m back and it looks like CPR is too.

  73. i still havent been accepted i posted my join page a long while ago


  75. name:juju78314 age: 48 days past army experience:none why i want to join: this looks awsome

  76. GET OUT OF SABER!!!!!!!!

  77. lol Obvious noob is obvious

  78. lol ktonboy? he is the meanest person ever once he said **** acp and i was TERRIFIED but hes in alot of army ranks!

  79. wait… where am i? you said you would make me a mod….. 😐

  80. RANK ME RANK ME!!!!!

  81. ACP IS ON MAMMOTH!!!!!

  82. ATTACK!!!!!!!

  83. WE NEED MORE!!

  84. also snickers4763 is working for CPFBI and he keeps threatening BPA saying they will go to war with us and kick us out of the white allience and stuff

  85. Who demoted me from 4* general? :S

  86. i can’t wait for my rank!

  87. CPR help help help. Sky troops just said that i am a crap CPR soliders and that CPR is a fail. And i was on CP on snowcone and there where soliders on there dressed like ST and they said they want to go to war with CPR.

    Snickers4763: Shut up no one believes your stupid lies.

    • clubhot ur power hungry want ST to fall and die. so you can rejoin as leader and lead us to “glory” which would be our end.

  88. what i didint say that. I got hacked. I have sent a email to wordpress complaining about being hacked.

    Snickers4763: Enough of these lies. You said the same thing about CP FBI a few months ago before you were “hacked.” This time you’re trying to cover up yourself because everyone knows you’re lying. Well it’s not going to work. And you’re not going to get away with this.

  89. What snickers i thoguht you had left ST. So have you just left to go to CPR. Trator

  90. Change me Back to 1* i was on vaca i was busy GEEZ!!!

  91. i waz a leutient and im off the ranks now i waz on a vation in florada

  92. We have all these people and yet most of them are inactive :/

  93. Thanks for the rank

  94. Welcome to retirement island and advisevillage gostt and sky

  95. Can I get a rank again? My first one got deleted.

  96. What happen to my rank as major general?

  97. I would like my rank back.

  98. Ok CPRRangers is having a lot of recruits! Well thats awesome! :). Ok join this army it rules and enjoy your day here! We will put events on this page later! – Jack (moderator)

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