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Promo Points

Here is where you can gain and submit points for the Rangers.

How to Gain Points.

You gain points by going to events, being active, and staying out of trouble.

Can you Lose Points?

You can lose points if you miss more then 7 events in a row, being inactive, and by being the trouble-maker.

What can I get with Points?

You can buy a promotion, double promo (members – low mods), or have a banner with your website on it, or I (Wyoskyguy or Term) could make you an icon, or some other Graphics

The prices:

Promotion: 5 Points
Double Promo: 7 Points
Banner with link to your website: 3 Points
Graphics: 10 Points

Below, is your accounts.
April- 3
Suz- 3
Chubby- 3
Dale- 3

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