
To join the Club Penguin Rangers, please include the following information in a comment below:

  • Penguin Name:
  • Penguin Age:
  • Past Army Experience:
  • Why you want to join the CPR:
  • Will you get on chat:
  • How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name:

Lastly, please take a Pledge of Loyalty to Senate and Flag of CPR

We will add you to the ranks as soon as possible! Click here to view the ranks page!

CPR Leaders

48 comments on “Join

  1. * Penguin Name:CIAN130
    * Penguin Age:973
    * Past Army Experience:ALOT OF IT I WAS A ACP Lieutenant Colonel LT CHIEF NINJA BROWN BELT NACHO First Lieutenant
    * Why you want to join the CPR:I ALREADY JOINED BUT I WAS NEVER PUT ON RANKS
    * Will you ge
    t on chat:YA
    * How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name:GHOST

    • penguin name:batman6366
      penguin age:378
      past army experience:alot of it was a acp
      why you want to join the cpr:i already joined but I was never put on ranks
      will you get on chats:yes
      how did you find the cpr ?if you were recruited by someone , please tell us their name : ghost

  2. toughguy52
    swat and acp. Been a high rank on both
    I found your site by googling club penguin armies.

    Ps. I would love to be a supreme general. thanks

  3. Penguin Name: Davids19
    Days Old: 1187
    Past Army Experience: I was in Nachos Army, RPF, And alot more.
    Why you want to join the CPR: I would like to join the CPR because I think I am responsible enough to make this army the best that it can be.
    Will you get on chat: Yes
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: I was asked to join by
    za¢н_11 ¢ρя_¢σммaη∂єя_ιη_¢нιєƒ .

  4. Penguin Name: Masbro1234
    Penguin Age: 1000 days old.
    Past Expirence: Owners of Three big armies, (All of which got hacked)
    Why I want to join the CPR: I think I am very responsible to hold a Moderator (Leutinent) position. I usually on Club Penguin and I have most of the items required.
    Will I get on chat: Of course!!!!
    How did I find the CPR: Recruited by za¢н_11 ¢ρя_¢σммaη∂єя_ιη_¢нιєƒ

  5. Penguin Name:Stringbean03
    Penguin Age:736
    Past Army Experience: Genral and sergeant
    Why you want to join the CPR: cuz i just do
    Will you get on chat: yes
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: Zac

  6. Welcome to CPR!

  7. Penguin Name: Huskers1939 Penguin Age: – Past Army Experience: LT pretzels, acp, EW, GD, sky mafias, pirates, WV, nachos, CPGT, ELM, probably more that I can’t think of. Why you want to join the CPR: ‘murica Will you get on chat: Yes. How did you find the CPR? Xat If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name:

  8. Penguin Name: Pinkshine529
    Penguin Age: Over 1000
    Past Army Experience: DW For former 4ic, HSA Mod, GP 2ic and more…
    Why you want to join the CPR: Seems like a fun army. 🙂
    Will you get on chat: Of course.
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: Saw the leaders name.

  9. Penguin name: Hey312
    Penguin age: 1 month 19 days
    I have been in no other armies
    Why I want to join CPR: The owners are nice, and I wanna have some expiriences in an army I trust
    Will I get on chat: Maybe once in a while, maybe 4-6 times a week
    How I found CPR: I have been recruited by: Zach11- An owner

  10. Penguin Name:El Rey
    Penguin Age: 1843 around there
    Past Army Experience: alot been around since 07
    Why you want to join the CPR: because the name is awsome
    Will you get on chat:yes
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name:

  11. 1. Rey Mystedio
    2. about 1800
    3. over 40 armies
    4. this army is cool and awesome
    5. yup

  12. 1. Lime
    2. About 1190
    3. Over 5 Armies
    4. Epic An Awesome
    5. Yeah
    6. ……………………………..

  13. Penguin Name: mrcute99548

    Penguin Age:over 900 i guess :d
    Past Army Experience:hsa 4ic ar 3ic en leader cpnd 3ic miners 3ic mfr leader
    Why you want to join the CPR:ive heard of this army on top 10
    Will you get on chat:oh yeah!
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please no i just heard of this army on smac or cpac

  14. Penguin Name: Withyoually
    Penguin Age: 2305 days old
    Past Army Experience: Rebel Penguin Federation Advertiser/Sergeant Major/Mod on Chat
    Why you want to join the CPR: To help grow CPR’s army
    Will you get on chat: Already am
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: TheWyoskyguy (262392798)

  15. Cam1018

    1247 days old

    dark warriors

    because i think its a cool army and rangers lead the way

    Yes everyday

    i saw it on soras house

  16. tjk370 or 7up jim
    300-400 7up jim 100-200 tjk370
    rpf uk leader swat 4ic wr leader nff leader yv leader dw 5ic ept mod
    is a awesoem name and it seem like a cool army
    every day
    i typed in cp rangers and i came up with this site

  17. Penguin Name: Lord Snowy F
    Penguin Age:
    Past Army Experience: Acp: 1st Lieutenant Romans: Brigadier General
    Why you want to join the CPR: I want to help the CPR
    Will you get on chat: As long as i have time, yes
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: zach 11

  18. Penguin Name: Xray26
    Penguin Age: 1400+ Days Old
    Past Army Experience: Tons. You should know (wary)
    Why you want to join the CPR: Because, I love CP Armies and trying new ones.
    Will you get on chat: Already am.
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: Zach 11

  19. Penguin Name: I Am Dwain
    Penguin Age: 3000 roughly
    Past Army Experience: SWAT LIT, Tostitos LIT, Pirates LIT, UMA 3IC, RPF 3ic, Doritos 2ic, Pretzels Leader, UCCP Leader, Miners Leader, CPND Leader, ST 3ic
    Why you want to join the CPR: Dunno tbh
    Will you get on chat: sure
    How did you find the CPR? looking up stuff

  20. Penguin Name: Billybob
    Penguin Age: 3063 Days old
    i will Get Randomly to this Chat
    Join now and have fun.

  21. Hi! I want join 😀

    Penguin Name: Weeiii
    Penguin Age:11
    Past Army Experience: I will try, idk
    Why you want to join the CPR:Is awsome
    Will you get on chat:Sure
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: Leader: Zach

  22. Penguin Name: pengwee54312
    Penguin Age:911
    Past Army Experience:I OWN NIGHT RAIDERS
    Why you want to join the CPR:I WANT TO BE IN THIS ARMY
    Will you get on chat:Sure
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name:

  23. joe7474
    210 days old
    cuz your awesome

  24. Penguin Name: jay9878

    Penguin Age 356 days

    Past Army Experience around 3 others

    Why you want to join the CPR: it sounds awesome

    Will you get on chat: yes sir

    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: my friend told me about cpr

  25. Penguin Name:prince012

    Penguin Age:64 days

    Past Army Experience around 3 others

    Why you want to join the CPR:i like it

    Will you get on chat:yes

    How did you find the CPR?if you were recruited by someone,please tell us their name:Superzach115

  26. •Penguin Name:Alvin670
    •Penguin Age:668 days
    •Past Army Experience:rpf
    •Why you want to join the CPR: for rpf to find us
    •Will you get on chat: yes
    •How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: i just wanted to join

  27. Penguin Name: Wendycorces
    Penguin Age: 7
    Past Army Experience: i know wat to do sir
    Why you want to join the CPR: because i have heard about it by my friend and he is its an awesome thing to join
    Will you get on chat: yes sir i will
    How did you find the CPR? by my friend names F L I P

  28. MasterTanic
    started with clubpenguin december 1st 2012 so I am pretty good in cp armys of events ok sir
    because I like the name of the rangers and I would like to give it a try on being part of the rangers ok
    yes sir I will which im on now by the way xd
    I found it on xat.com on the featured chatrooms ok sir

  29. Loggingoff77
    151 days old
    GDArmy is where i use to be..
    To help the army
    By the robot

  30. Penguin Name: Pinkshine529
    Penguin Age: Over 1000
    Past Army Experience: DW former 4ic, HSA Mod, GP 2ic and more…
    Why you want to join the CPR: This is a FUN army!
    Will you get on chat: Of course.
    How did you find the CPR? I’ve been in this army before.

  31. Limejuice522

    Penguin age: 1512 days old

    Past army experience: none

    Will you get on chat? YES!

    How did you find the CPR? On cp armies central

  32. Penguin name: Nerdcubed747
    Penguin Age:326 days and counting
    Past army experience: HSA,DW
    Will you get on chat? Half yes
    How did you find the CPR? Friend

  33. Penguin Name:Bluey10132
    Penguin Age:3 1/2 years
    Past Army Experience: RR and many more
    Why you want to join the CPR: Cuz I am a close friend of Sky
    Will you get on chat:Yes
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: No

  34. Penguin Name: DarkVoid423(New account)
    Penguin Age: Like 2 months (New account)
    Why you want to join the CPR: Cuz Derek is my dawg.
    Will you get on chat: Course
    How did you find the CPR?: I just asked Derek for the chat link. I guess if you count that as recruiting then Derek recruited me.

  35. Penguin name: Rockstar0313
    Penguin age: 1,567 days
    Why do you want to join the CPR: Because i know Derek.
    Will you get on chat?: I already am on!
    How did you find the CPR?: I asked Derek to give me the link to the Chat.

  36. Penguin Name: Sunshineglas (gay name ik, but its my sister’s account xD)
    Penguin Age: 1654 days
    Past Army Experience: BMA 2ic, LT 2ic, Watex Warriors Lt. General, DCP lowest moderator rank (can’t remember title name), Sky Mafias Army 3ic, and current RPF Colonel.
    Why you want to join the CPR: Just cuz.
    Will you get on chat: Yes.
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: Was PCed by Pride on a chat and decided to join when I went on the army chat.

  37. -Penguin Name: Teamgold10 (yea i know)
    -Penguin Age: 3 years
    -Past Army Experience: Teamgold 2ic.
    -Why you want to join the CPR: Its been a long time since i’ve been in an army before.
    -Will you get on chat: yes
    -How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: Nikki told me.

  38. Penguin Name: Mars22669
    Penguin Age:
    Past Army Experience: Been in Team Gold and HSA
    Why you want to join the CPR: This army is cool
    Will you get on chat: Yeah
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone please tell us their name: Nikki

  39. Penguin Age: 1809 sorry

  40. Hello Everyone! Its Me Jack CPR Has Been Going Great :D. Also, The Bot Quit And He Was Bad :s I Miss Him :(. But, Join CPR At Any Time Anywhere at: http://www.cprclubpenguinrangers.wordpress.com

  41. Jumpman22
    Hsa acp nachos
    This army caught my interest
    Already knew about army

  42. Penguin Name: Sonicx7
    Penguin Age: 1459
    Past Army Experience: None
    Why you want to join the CPR: I’ve never been in a group… Might as well try it.
    Will you get on chat: Of course
    How did you find the CPR? If you were recruited by someone, please tell us their name: I was told by someone… I forgot who..

  43. Penut44
    I Want to help the army
    my brother told me to come (Jack)

  44. 1.jedi4590
    3.so active
    4.RRCP are allies
    6.In wordpress

  45. 1.joe7474
    4.because your awesome
    5. maybe
    6. in wordpress

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