


The Club Penguin Rangers was started in early 2008. It was the idea of 321fishpop. One day, Fishpop came to Ktman and asked him to lead his army, while he remained second in command.  The army was content with Ktmans Club Penguin Mythbuster site.  Soon after, Red Destoyz became third in command and head of Senate and Red Spaniel became member of the senate and the judge. Each one started there own branch, The Light CPR (Red spaniel) and the dark CPR (Red destoyz) which by some glitch got hundreds of thousands of hits. Then Red Destroyz made  the old Club Penguin Rangers site.  On April 23rd 2008 we joined the CPUN, which sealed our fate as an army. We met sveral other armies, but one stood out. It was the Red Raiders. Lead by Itachi6dark, they were almost the same as CPR, and we became good friends. We worked together in Wars, Had practice battles, and both armies even collapsed together. Other armies we met included the Water Warriors, The Navy, (which changed names several times).   Soon after Takeshiemiko and I, Articsledder joined.  I had already been an unranked soldier in the Elites, but one day I found Ktmans site and joined right away.   Takeshiemiko had joined the day before me, and we both were givin ranked of major.  Back then, all we did was go on Mammoth and battle any major Army we could see, becuase we were pretty strongly allied with Elites.  Soon After Benu2 and Mr Blubob joined. I was promoted to Colenol, along with Blubob, while Benu became a senate member. Then.. all small armies changed forever..


CPUN Badge

Order 67 was a wicked plan though it is not clear what it really was for. It was made by the ANTA which consisted of the Nachos, ACP, UMA, RPF, and Ice Warriors but truly formed from the mastermind of Shadow2446 and Fort57.  It gave all small armies these options:

Option 1: Surrender your army and end it

Option 2: Surrender your army and start following ANTA rules.

Option 3: Go to war, get unified, and have a chance of winning or losing.

Of course, everyone chose the last option. Plans were made, meetings were held, recruits were gained.  The idea was codenamed Operation Revolution made by the Club Penguin United Nations founder, Mr Deedledoo and later on Ktman and Itachi6Dark helped operate the war tactics.  It assigned lots of armies to different rooms. During the week of Order 67, dozens of armies were joining the CPUN and the Operation to take on not only the Nachos, but the whole ANTA.

Dojo: MW, ROCP, Union, IPDC, DPA

Ice Berg: LCP, Rebel Warriors

Mine Shack: UT

Mine: MUA, CPD


Forest: RPA, MCP

Plaza: Aqua Warriors, CPAR, CPA

Snow Forts: CPB, CPA

Town: CPW, CP Wolves, SA

Dock: CPR

Beach: UPA, IACP

Ice Rink: NMA

Lighthouse: Red Raiders

Lighthouse Beacon: MOCP, ECPA

Ski Village: Vikings

Ski Lodge: CPBA, CP Assains

Mountain: Sleet Empire

Sport Shop: Bounty Hunters, Ice Vikings

Dojo: MW, ROCP, Union, IPDC, DPA

Ice Berg: LCP, Rebel Warriors

Mine Shack: UT

Mine: MUA, CPD


Forest: RPA, MCP

Plaza: Aqua Warriors, CPAR, CPA

Snow Forts: CPB, CPA

Town: CPW, CP Wolves, SA

Dock: CPR

Beach: UPA, IACP

Ice Rink: NMA

Lighthouse: Red Raiders

Lighthouse Beacon: MOCP, ECPA

Ski Village: Vikings

Ski Lodge: CPBA, CP Assains

Mountain: Sleet Empire

Sport Shop: Bounty Hunters, Ice Vikings

The ANTA had there own plan though…

CPR was going to be Against the Nachos!  It was all so great! But then it all, yes ALL came crashing down.  ANTA dropped Order67.  They said it was just a plan to make an alliance.  I was sad, and bored becuase that was the last battle CPR had for a whole year… I felt like I was the only one who knew, (Or I think this was the plan, most of the leaders who came up with it are gone now so im not sure) that this was probably a plan to allie us so that we would shrink becuase everyone got bored and our names would be forgotten, and it succeeded. Buts that for later.

Rangers vs. ACP 2008


July came.  We had a New summer uniform, and Camp CPR was Ready!  We had a well remembered Practice battle with Red Raiders on the Water Party Whale, and things seemed pretty good.  Then Some Bad things happened.  I checked the CPR site. The first words I saw were: Retiring. Ktman was Retiring. I Saw nothing wrong with this, Ktman was just moving on to bigger things (ACP).  Then the site got a mjaor update. Me Blubob and Benu all got promotions, Blubob and Fishpop shared Leadership, I became 2nd in Command, and Benu 3rd. Later I was Demoted, and Benu Promoted. But recruit gaining slowed. Alot. Red Destroyz Vanished, Red Spainiel was nowhere in site.  Red Raiders werent doing much Better, Itachi Left for UMA where he was leader. Benu left for UMA too , where he became Second in command. Even I left for Ice Warriors.


As told by Articsledder

Several times I tried to restart CPR, all Failing becuase I became caught up in Ice Warriors.  So once I saw The Red Raiders had shut down, I Thought it would be a good Idea to shut down the Rangers.  But this caught our former leader, Ktman’s Attention. He posted for the first time in months, which also caught the attention of lots of old troops, such as Takishiemiko, Fishpop, Ninja09, and me.  But Ktman didnt post again, and Fishpop slowly faded away, leaving the army to me, Articsledder. Then, in June an Army, Green Guards came along. They wanted our server Flurry, and I thought it would be ok, we had only three troops against there seven.  Then after they took it, I realized war would help us. So I declared war, but we lost. Even though we DID get recruits. One of my friends, from Ice Warriors, Soccerfan8 joined as Newcastle18. Soon after another Ice Warriors troop, Iceage44 joined.  Another decline followed when Newcastle retired.


2010- Spring 2011

The Rangers prospered under the reign of Red Destoyz and 321fishbop. Late in 2010, the Rangers became close allies with the Sky Troops. In the winter of 2011, a hacker with intentions to harm the Rangers accidentally hacked the Ranger Troops chat instead. The Rangers went on lockdown and took safety precautions such as making some users editors rather than admins. Owners on the chat were made mods. Ultimately, the Rangers were never hacked. Later in the year, Clubhot4, leader of the BPA, made up lies to turn the Rangers against the Sky Troops:

CPR help help help. Sky troops just said that i am a crap CPR soliders and that CPR is a fail. And i was on CP on snowcone and there where soliders on there dressed like ST and they said they want to go to war with CPR.

You can read his comment on the ranks page. He later claimed that he had been hacked. FYI, Clubhot4 is an account shared by 33sean and 99kane. This comment was no surprise; clubhot4 had tried to turn ST against the Cone Heads earlier. Then suddenly Clubhot4 posted an apology on the Rangers blog. No one had added him to the site. Chubby accused Clubhot4 of impersonating him. Red, Sky, and Gostt all wrongly said that Chubby was Clubhot4.


Summer 2011

Red Destoyz and 321fishbop both retired in the summer of 2011, leaving the army in the hands of Gostt and Sky.  In this period of time, the Rangers flourished, having unscheduled raids of Mammoth almost everyday averaging 5-10. Ktman suggested that the Rangers merge. He was cussed out by everyone else. Gostt and Sky both declared that the Rangers would never merge or die. During this time, Snickers4763 also put together a new movie with the help of Gostt, Sky, Jose, and Suzie.

Raid of Mammoth


December 2011 – January 2012

By the end of 2011, most of the members of the Rangers had retired, including Gostt and Sky. Only April/Venus, Suzie, and Snickers remained. Snickers became 1ic for a brief period of time before the return of Sky and the dawn of a new era.



January 2012

Sky returned as Solar Linux in January 2012. The Rangers managed to regroup under his leadership. Term and Gostt returned as joint-1ics with Sky. Chubby returned as joint-2ic. Zach 11 returned as 1* general. Sky decided that Red and Fish were dictators and that he wasn’t going to listen to them anymore. As Suzie put it, Red and Fish were “dicktators.” Red had changed the chat password, preventing Sky from making himself main owner. Although Red and Fish had created the army, they had lost interest in CP and were extremely inactive. Therefore the real power resided in the hands of Sky. Sky created this site and its chat. While on chat during an unscheduled event, Sky came up with the catchy phrase, “Back n’ black” because the uniform had been darkened. Then Sky held a vote to determine the name of the new era. The “GTS Era” won by a landslide. (GTS = Gostt, Term, Sky)

 First event in a while


February 2012 –

The GTS Era started with Back N’ Black, and slowly moved on. UMA had gotten mad at us because we were using their uniform. Sky bit back by saying, “You’re willing to go to war with an army because we have a similar uniform. That’s even more messed up then going to war because of something they share. The Rangers raided the ACP while the ACP was invading the Light Troops to get attention.

Battle of Frozen

Battle of Mammoth

5 comments on “History

  1. You didnt add the part about red sky and gostt all saying that i was clubhot. And i was never hacked. The person who posted the apology had a ip in europe i have one in usa.
    I dont understand where you got your facts. im a hacker, i dont get hacked.

  2. Oh and ktman didnt suggest a merge i did LOL sorry guys

  3. Then you have the era of Zach and I. Last army I ever participated in. Great army and great people.

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