CPR Nation

The CPR – The Club Penguin Rangers was the brainchild of 321fishpop on November 23rd 2007 and was the current leader of CPR.  The army was founded on Ktman’s site, the Club Penguin Rangers.  CPR is named after and Elite regiment in the US Military, the Army Rangers. In the past, we had gotten 5+ at events. In the summer of 2011, nicknamed the “Ghost-Sky” era, they got 18+ at events. After the summer, we stayed that way until November. When both Sky and Gostt retired. December was nicknamed “The Waiting Period”. Around Christmas, Sky returned under the pen name “Solar Linux” and he created the Solar Era, getting 8+ at events. Sky retired from Rangers, and gave Shad leader. Due to technical issues, CPR had no events, he retired, and the Rangers sat idling for a week when Sky returned with Suzie, April, and Gostt as leader. Then later they all retired with Zach 11 as the new leader of CPR. Zach 11 and Becky became the new Commander In Chiefs, until finally they both retired. CPR sat idle for atleast 2 weeks, until Wyoskyguy and DereK brough the Rangers back. Wyoskyguy then ended it for a little over three months, before he returned to the Rangers with a plan.

CPR Motto – The motto of CPR is based off of the US Army Ranger’s motto, “Rangers, Lead the Way.” It means that the Rangers will Lead The Way amongst Small and Medium Armies.

CPR Flag – The CPR flag is red for the army’s main color.  The R represents Rangers, and the four corners of the flag represent the four corners of the globe, as they are all within out reach.  This flag is not the first flag.  Other flag designs were instituted, the most recent one being the current flag, which was adopted During Operation Red Dawn, or the reformation of CPR, during Fall 2010.

CPR Territory – The Club Penguin Rangers Nation (Or CPR Nation for short) is the CPR’s territory on Club Penguin or CPR’s country.  It is in this land in which we will have wars, practice or real and do some of our recruiting.  We will also do all of our special events on this server.  The ranks in the Club Penguin Rangers army will be the same as the ranks of how we will govern our server.  All CPR soldiers should come and patrol or visit this server for at least a few minutes or so of their Club Penguin time.

CPR Senate – The Senate is the Leader’s way to find out what the troops want to do with Rangers. It enables us to decide who to declare war on, who should be our enemies, allies, and who we should just totally ignore.

The CPR Nation is based off of 1 servers, the capital sever, Permafrost.  Here is a picture showing where  is listed of the list of Club Penguin servers and a map of our territory once you go inside the server.


The CPR will allow any penguin or army to inhabit and roam our server, but no other army can have a base there.  This will result in a war.  Another event that would result in war is if one of our enemies invaded our server.  The final event that would result in war is if an army or penguin makes a threat to the CPR.  We will then attack.

Server List:

  • Permafrost – Capital
  • Snowfall – Outpost
  • Sherbet – Commerce Center
  • Klondike – Governmental Server
  • Flurry – Recruitment Server
  • Oyster

  • Sabertooth
  • Patagonia

  • Vanilla
  • Snow Flake

  • Snowbound

CPR Government – The CPR Nation is a Democratic Republican Dictatorship. This means that the ‘dictator’ is voted for by the people of the Rangers.

If you want to be an official member of the Permafrost server and CPR Nation then all you have to do is join the Club Penguin Rangers army and comment here.  You can do this by going to the Join page.

Relationship with Other Armies:


  • Chaos
  • Global Defenders


  • Rebel Penguin Federation


  • Marines of CP
  • Tacos of CP

Members of:

(Organizations and Alliances)

78 comments on “CPR Nation

  1. hey ktman! its me! ninja09! the u.e.c.p.s is not on the allies list!!

  2. Hey Nice vid. Um i have some bad news…..PSA is not wih us anymore…i saw them with the enemys. srry.


  4. whats the animal club?

  5. black jackets would be your allies 🙂

  6. Ask Mr Deedledoo if the Royal Penguin Arsenal is around. Oh yeah. I’ve seen Black Jackets somewhere in the ACP server: Mammoth.

    Col. P


    Who’re the pigs?

  8. can u add the PH/purple heads to ur allies

  9. u guys smell you stink you suck.
    u have coppied off my website i made about 3 years ago. you have coppied and if you dont close this website i will close it down my self you have coppied and i have club penguin on my side. i am freinds with some moderators shut this down now.
    you are a coppy cat how dare you.
    i am annoyed

  10. year i am with cpr.
    the real one not your fake one.
    shut this down

  11. concider us your enemys
    the real cpr

  12. u suck close this down plese
    from the real cpr

  13. infact lets battle then

  14. no violance is not the answer agents

  15. There are other CPR’s too. BTW you werent the first army in CP. No armies were formed then. YOU CANT JUST OWN AN ACRONYM LIKE “CPR”.

  16. Hey 5by432. If we’re copy cats then why didn’t you give the URL of your site? And do you have proof, you sea-gherkin?

  17. Search 5by432 in Google and you will see his site.

  18. He’s probably using different names…
    That’s their site and they don’t have any comment box to let us speak.

    -Col. P.

  19. hello im the leader of cpia and my army also owns fjord you possible know that nachos are going to invade fjord so we need help to protect6 fjord.If nachos invade fjord then they steal it from all armies that own fjord so help us stop nachos.

    ~mrpp~fight for rights~

    P.S get as much armys to help and the plans are at cpia site the link is here http://wartex1.wordpress.com

  20. Hello my name is duckmole i am the Leader of the army called ClubPenguinShadowRebels. I would love to become allies with what i personelly think is the best army in ClubPenguin!

    Please reply to my comment on my website…
    the address is


    I hope that you will become our allie!

  21. Fishpop I have two things to say. One I’m shutting down CPBO and sticking with just CPR. And two…..well I’m thinking of retiring. I know I’ve only beenin the CPR for like a year but still, I’m getting tired of nothing. But my decision is NOT final.


  22. in response to wht i just said i am going to quit/retire. im probaly going to join another army later or now i dont know the army or care much right now. i need a break or, another army. Although i will be in touch with the website and see whts going on with cpr. if u start to die away quickly i will come back.


    One last time, RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!!!!!

  23. Hello CPR. This is Swat bandit or swat.I’m the CO-leader of SPA air force.We r very desperate to gain servers because we only have two and there both shared by allies.We r soon planning to invade grizzly but we still need other servers.With ur permission we aks if u can be allies to us.Thank you

  24. You no longer own Flurry…

  25. Artic I thought you were in IW. How come there enemies?

  26. I want your server deep snow. I gues we will go to war for it!
    If you want to know when i will invade your server check our site ghostarmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com you better watch out!
    ps.Nachos own fjord!


  27. Which servers are actually yours or partially yours.

  28. you know we want your server so we are planing on anvading rainbow our name is pdw and we want your server also the link is http://www.penguindynamite.wordpress.com so we are planning on envading it so i will make the post about the invasuin soon so be ready it migt come unexpected so be ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  29. aslo pdw willl like to be your enemies

  30. We are invading Grizzly soon, some time this November!! how about the 22nd on a Sunday?

  31. I could probably talk Icey into giving us some IW servers.
    Sounds good Artic, but if you could arrange a meeting between Icey, yourself, and me, that would be great.
    I am currently in Europe, so Timing may be akward. -321fishpop

  32. snowfall is the BPA capital so it can’t belong the you losers.

    jimmycb1 and clubhot

  33. Roflmao noobs go play with your sad excuse for an army

  34. if i could can i get one or two more ranks higher so i can be a some sort of leader. please.

    Red Destoyz Edit: Patience

  35. CP Navy want to be allies.


  36. why isn’t BPA on allies

  37. Want to be allies with NCACP? (NokaCloneArmy of Clubpenguin) Add us and we will add you!

  38. SCPA want to be allies

    (secret club penguin army)

    (more soldiers)

  39. cps wants to be a allie club penguin sky name will be changed after i get my armys ranks filled

  40. Hey CPR I am Zipyman Leader Of Fire Bandannas Of CP can we be allies? I would love to be allies with such an army of great history and past envents. Here is the link to my site.
    Like you say Lead The way.
    p:s that ryhmes lol

  41. I of the Club penguin Pirate Alliance would like CPR to be allies with us. Here is my website:http://clubpenguinpiratealliance.wordpress.com/

  42. yah! nachos are allie!

  43. Thank you. 🙂

    ~ Zach

  44. I am wondering why Night Warriors are both enemies and allies?

  45. hey ktman please can i have higher rank please reply and ill add you as my favourite

  46. ok is this up to date? cause it says im co-commander? i dont think thts right, is it?


  48. im going to spreed the word about rangers

  49. Lol Zach. O_O

    Saber people? 😐

    GO TIGER! 😀

  50. hey i got a message.
    Elvis 885 claimed that ACP diddnt want to be our allies anymore,then he said CPR make us look like fools.

  51. how about allies with AirPenguinForceOfCP? link: http://www.apfcp.wordpress.com

  52. Hello i always thought CPR was enemies of ACP.Any way my army BPA really needs your help because CPFBI are bullying us so we declared war on them.

  53. Hi,

    I was just wondering if you wanted to form an alliance with Matthewm8te’s Penguin Army (MPA)? If so please e-mail me!

    Fishpop Edit: Do you have a link to your site?

  54. why are nw are both in the allies/enimies list?

  55. Can the Global Defenders be allies?

  56. NEVER!
    Flash:YES Let Them Become Allies

  57. Yeah Pungy Sure.And Captian You Dont Give Orders To Other Leaders Even If In Other Armies

  58. The Fire Ninjas Would Like To Be Your Allies. Here’s Link: http://fireninjas.com/banner

  59. Ah crap, I was hoping u would be rivals of IW

  60. LBW lucky blue warriors want to be your allies.http://clubpenguinlbw.blogspot.com

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