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CPR Nation

The CPR – The Club Penguin Rangers was the brainchild of 321fishpop on November 23rd 2007 and is not the current leader of CPR.  The army was founded on Ktman’s site, the Club Penguin Rangers.  CPR is named after and Elite regiment in the US Military, the Army Rangers.

CPR Motto – The motto of CPR is based off of the US Army Ranger’s motto, “Rangers, Lead the Way.”

Our new motto: Along with the old one is, Aim for the Stars

CPR Flag – The CPR flag is red for the army’s main color.  The R represents Rangers, and the four corners of the flag represent the four corners of the globe, as they are all within out reach.  This flag is not the first flag.  Other flag designs were instituted, the most recent one being the current flag, which was adopted During Operation Red Dawn, or the reformation of CPR, during Fall 2010.

CPR Territory – The Club Penguin Rangers Nation (Or CPR Nation for short) is the CPR’s territory on Club Penguin or CPR’s country.  It is in this land in which we will have wars, practice or real and do some of our recruiting.  We will also do all of our special events on this server.  The ranks in the Club Penguin Rangers army will be the same as the ranks of how we will govern our server.  All CPR soldiers should come and patrol or visit this server for at least a few minutes or so of their Club Penguin time.

The CPR will allow any penguin or army to inhabit and roam our server, but no other army can have a base there.  This will result in a war.  Another event that would result in war is if one of our enemies invaded our server.  The final event that would result in war is if an army or penguin makes a threat to the CPR.  We will then attack.

Server List:

Sub Zero

CPR Government – The CPR Nation is run the same way the CPR is run, with a Democratic Republic government.  This type of government gives penguins rights such as voting and freedom of press and speech.  

If you want to be an official member of the Klondike server and CPR Nation then all you have to do is join the Club Penguin Rangers army and comment here.  You can do this by going to the <a title="Click here to go to the CPR Join page and join us.  Citizens (soldiers) will get these benefits.

1.  The right to vote for decisions of the CPR and CPR Nation.

2.  Being able to fight in wars in the CPR and make friends in the wonderful community of Club Penguin armies.

3.  The possibility of being ranked up, and maybe leading the CPR and CPR Nation one day!

4.  Being able to participate in all of the CPR events.

Relationship with Other Armies:


  • Shadow Leigon
  • Sky Troops
  • Silver Soldiers
  • Snow Fighters
  • Fort Ghost Recon


  • Night Warriors
  • Army of CP
  • Doritos of CP
  • Underground Mafias Armies

Members of:

(Organizations and Alliances)

One comment on “CPR Nation

  1. We will keep to ourselves for now, but we can be allies if you want.

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