

Howdy Rangers, For the sake of closing the site on a somewhat decent note, rather than just a random bit of history that occurred so many years ago, I decided I would sign into one of my alternate accounts to close this site down. It has been quite amusing to look back into this site, […]

2013 in review

Even though Rangers are gone, I will still post this. The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,500 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about […]


Sucks to suck guys. You can whine all the hell you want, you can’t have the site back. Literally, the only people at this point who are going to bring back Rangers, officially, is Red, Fish, Gostt and myself. No if’s, then’s, but’s about it. Wanna know why? 1. You guys are all inactive. 2. Gostt […]

Needs Snow

Happy Holidays from the CP Rangers! 😀 Hope for a awesome new year! -Gostt

Events – 11/20/13 – 11/26/13

Welcome back, Rangers.

Heh Well…

Gostt was right. The army will never stay dead for long. Let’s finish with a bang.

The Final Run

Hello Rangers. Today is a sad day for us. 

3ic Election Results

The Results are in. The winners of the 3ic election are…. 

Events of The Week

Hello Rangers! This is the events post, and this post will remain sticky. Each week, we’ll update the post with new events. Click “Read More” to read the rest of the post! This week in Rangers: Recruiting, training, and and a PB

Active Count 8/3/13 – 8/6/13

Howdy Rangers! Time for our first active count this generation!