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May 22 Results

So we had an event, 3 on chat and 2 on CP – Zach was doing homework. For a first event, I was fine. However, when I call you on chat, I expect you to come on and be on CP unless you can’t. DaN came on chat, then left a couple seconds later. 

Also, for every event I will be giving out medals. Medals are these things that you receive when you come to events, comment on posts, recruit a soldier.

How to show the number of medals you receive:

1. Click on your name

2. Put [brackets] at the beginning of your name.

In the brackets, put the number of medals you currently have,

Commenting on event posts earns you 1 medal

Coming to the event you commented on earns you 2 medals

Coming to the event you did not comment on earns you 1 medal

Coming to an unscheduled event earns you 1 medal

Commenting on an active count earns you 3 medals

Recruiting 1 person for the Rangers and they remain active earns you 1 medal

This is completely trust – however, I will have a note on my computer that tells me the number of medals you have – and if you lie about the number, you’ll number will be reset on my computer and you will not be able to buy anything with those medals.

About Marcus

you looked.

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