Archive | May 2013

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Active Count 5/30/2013 – 6/3/13

XAT should be UP for EVERYBODY. Hey Rangers! Active count! I want everybody to answer truthfully. If you don’t. No pie for you 😥

PB vs Doritos

Hey Rangers! Let’s get straight to the post – PB vs Doritos.

CP Army Union Tournament Round 1 – Rangers vs Frost Squad

Frost Squad vs. Rangers Times: 4 PST, 5 MST, 6 CST, 7 EST, 12 GMT, 7 AM AUS Day: 6/1/13 Saturday Rangers – Lead the Way!

PB with Dolphins

❗ Cancelled ❗ Hey Rangers! This will be a challenge, but lets try our hardest! THURSDAY, MAY 30TH:  PRACTICE BATTLE WITH Dolphins  POLAR, TOWN TIMES: 8 AM AUS 12 AM GMT 8PM EST 7PM CST 6PM MST 5PM PST

Invasion of Permafrost Results

So in an hour, we managed to max 8 and average 6. 

May 25th – Klondike Event

Hey Rangers! We did a step up from last time, maxing 5 and average 4.

May 22 Results

So we had an event, 3 on chat and 2 on CP – Zach was doing homework. For a first event, I was fine. However, when I call you on chat, I expect you to come on and be on CP unless you can’t. DaN came on chat, then left a couple seconds later. 

Cleansing of Nation

Sky Edit: I said some not very nice things to someone in real life, so I won’t be on for a week at minimum, be sure to come to these events and take pictures!  Hello Rangers! Time for more events – I’ve been planning some other events, so we’ll start off with this!


Hey Rangers! This week’s events!

Welcome back

Well, for the past 2 weeks Rangers has been under the command of Zach11. As of 5/19 – 7:25 EST – Wyoskyguy has been reinstated as Rangers Commander in Chief. Welcome Back! Here’s my plan: Recruit 10 troops Recruit 15 troops Get 7 troops at event Get 15 troops at event Make the Small Top […]