Archive | May 2012

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Our Return – Vote on the leaders (CLOSED)

Sky: Alrighty then, since no one has denied or accepted me being leader temporarily, I’m gonna go for it. Fish and Ktman, feel free to challenge me, but I’ve done a crapload of stuff for Rangers, I believe I should be allowed to leave and return as I please.  Gostt: Sure haven’t done much here […]

We want to.

We want to, but the question is, how long will we return. I’ve raged a war that I cannot stop. Now is for me to die, as is for my future, my legacy. I am not a legend.  I am not the future. I am not part of the past. I have done nothing for […]

2012 Come Back (Meeting)

Sky Edit: Chubz, I’m disappointed with you. Not wanting Gostt? Now, because of him, we got ranked for some time. Kt, please, I guess we need to talk.  Which.. last time, didn’t end very well. But alas, we should. I was the last leader of Rangers, and I think it’s item we end Rangers, or we embarrass […]


As a seasoned cpr soldier and legend, i request to be a commander in chief. I request to have the highest level of authority on the website, author i believe? Or is it admin? Idk. But i will revive this army with help of some colleagues. I love the rangers and we shall rise! ~chubby


Edit: my email is its chubz here no im not comin back keep yo pants on just wanted to drop by, drop your email on this post if you wanna talk bye! RANGERS LEAD THEY WAY! ~Chubz

Our Return

Hey. I am Isfet, and I know Sky. Leave it at that. We will be returning on 5-18-12. may 18th, 2012. Let’s get major like Wyo and Gostt did 😀 I am leading with a girl named April, I hear you know her… Lead the Way! – Isfet

Should I come back?

Gostt: We’re still here. We moved back to the old site. CPR will be started back up soon. You may wanna help out with it.   I have really wondered if anyone wanted me to come back to this army. I don’t know if you guys made a new website or not because the last […]