Archive | April 2012

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Sky go to bed ¬-¬

^Sky stayed up all night 😮 Bad boy!!!111!!Shift!!11 GO TO BED SKYYYYYYYYYYY ¬3¬ ~Drust Keepin’ it real

The post with no Title!

  Hello Rangers, Tis Suzie here. I’m going on holiday for three days [Yes very long!] so yeeah. ~Suzie/Drust   I cant go so scratch that


Hello , I am King Kobra54. 3ic of this wonderful army. I have a lot to say, but will keep things short. I am a veteran of the Color Wars, a SMAC reporter,  PI 3ic, RT 3ic, and loads of others from the past. I hope we will have great success and growth in this army is fast […]

Random Post.

Ok guys, So basically, I am going to put up a really random post that has nothing to do with anything, but there is a moral behind it, I think. So anyway, thing is, Always. Be. Prepared. < Yes, you’ve heard that about probably a million times in films and from people. No matter how […]

CPR Nation v2

You guys don’t need to read this, this is just a rewrite of the last nation.


Not much to say about myself. I’m returning to CPW after a few weeks of wanting to retire. I’ve basically been fed up with what CPW became since 2010 (My first year). I am forming a community of Minecraft armies (known as Project MCW), which I hope will be a success. I’m a veteran of […]



We got that boom boom pow!

Hallo my fellow rangers! How are we all? =D Yes i may say, that the Club Penguin Rangers is back! After  some time we actually came to a point where we had no idea what to do… Well i didn’t. But anywho, We are back with a great BOOM BOOM POW! =D Gosh that feels […]