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New Uniform ~ What’s so important about it?

Welcome, Rangers.

For one thing, I’d like to welcome to new mods: Louie and Poochie.

Now. We need a new uniform. Some of UMA has given me crap about Ranger’s uniform. A former friend said “Rangers is now at war with UMA.” One thing, guys. Omg. It’s a stinking uniform. Sure, I can see why if we went to battle, then one of us would change.

What am I getting at?

CPR will be having a new uniform ~ It’s going more on the non member side, due to most of our members being non-member. Members can dress red and black.

Well, I got that off my chest. In red and orange too *awe*

Enjoy your life.

-Z3R0, CPR Leader

About Marcus

you looked.

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