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New Years Resolutions

Sky: Email me, I can’t get on the computer until Saturday.
Gostt: Sky, see me on chat when you can, I think I know of a army to pb with.

Hey guys, Zero here. Read and comment on the active check below.
This years New Year’s Resolutions will be…

• Achieve SMAC/CPAE Medium top ten and keep it for three top

Chubs edit: sorry for editing sky but i was wonderin if you still owe me unlimited graphics. And also i will be able to get on this saturday so schedule somethin!

Achieve 10 comments on an active count (Close!) Complete! +3 Promo Points to everyone
• Achieve 20 comments on an active count.
• Achieve 20+ comments on an active count.
• Achieve a full chat on two separate events.
• Achieve 10 at an event.
• Achieve 15+ at an event.
• Win a tournament.
• Get 40 people to join.
• Get 5,000 views.

Alright, a lot of this rests on Gostt, Term, and my shoulders, but you have to do a lot too! Every time we complete a New Years resolution, you will get +3 Promo points.

Now, let’s do it!

(Ghost, Term: edit your Resolutions in with mine, in a different color if you have any.)

Back’n Black, Aim for the Stars, and Lead the Way!

Zero, CPR Leader
Term, CPR Leader
Gostt, CPR Leader

About Marcus

you looked.

One comment on “New Years Resolutions

  1. Sounds good. Getting 40 people to join is definitely the most important because it will allow us to meet the other goals. We need to start mass-recruiting on CP.

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