CPR Active Count & The New Generation of Rangers


80% of CPR is active! Good job guys, keep up the good work!

Term, can u upload the header again, or make a new one?
Hey Rangers, Wyoskyguy here!

I’d like to welcome Aqua Warriors, Silver Soldiers, and Shadow Leigon as our allies!
Now, heres the active count…

Current rank:
What do you want the current generation to be called?

Everyone must comment!

Please have this commented by Saturday of next!

Also, this new generation will be named within the next 2 weeks, due to the fact we have three leaders, it’s hard coming up with suitable names.

Here’s some ideas:
Term-Ghost-Sky era
Sky Ghost Terminator Era.

Personally, I like the GTS Era, but that’s just me.

– Wyoskyguy

About Marcus

you looked.

12 comments on “CPR Active Count & The New Generation of Rangers

  1. Name: Wyoskyguy
    Current rank: Leader
    Activeness: 7-8
    What do you want the current generation to be called? GTS Era

  2. Name: chubby
    Rank: co commander in chief
    Activity: 5-6
    Name of gen: new light era

  3. Name: Snickers4763
    Current Rank: 2ic
    Activeness: 6
    What do you want the current generation to be called? Solar Ghost Terminator

  4. Name: Term
    Current rank: LEader
    Activeness: Pretty active
    What do you want the current generation to be called? GTS Generation

  5. Name: Zach 11
    Rank: Unknown/retired
    Activeness: between 1 to 10 … 3? I don’t really know
    I don’t know what the generation to be called?

  6. Name: Aprilllll ;D
    Current rank: co commander in chief..I think..
    Activeness: Due to schoolwork probs a 7 :3
    What do you want the current generation to be called? I don’t mind to be honest, I have no ideas. Anything will do xD

  7. Name: mario man831

    Current rank :warlord

    Activeness: 1-10 right now a 9 1/2

    What do you want the current generation to be called? GTS Era

  8. Name: Gistt
    Current rank: 1ic
    Activeness: 8 – 10
    What do you want the current generation to be called? SGT 😆

  9. (I just copied this over from the old site. Dale, this is the official site of the Rangers now & fixed what I could.)
    Name: Daleboxtel
    Current rank: 2* General
    Activeness: 1-10 9/10
    What do you want the current generation to be called? N/A

  10. GTS era – 2
    GTS generation – 1
    New light era – 1
    Solar Ghost Terminator – 1
    SGT – 1
    GTS era it is.

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