Archive | January 2012

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New Uniform ~ What’s so important about it?

Welcome, Rangers.

The Start of a New Era

Sky Edit: Term will be inactive due to a concussion, so I am giving him a leave of absence until he is better. Rangers! It is time to once again show what we got, with our 1st PB back! After the PB, we will also be attacking ACP and the Nachos to get more attention.


Sky can you gete time for a event on saturday. I want to lead. Around 5:00 est. Can you get the times? Im on my phone so sorry. Please ill say what the event will be. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 10 PM GMT 5 PM EST 4 PM CST 3 PM MST 2 PM PST

New Years Resolutions

Sky: Email me, I can’t get on the computer until Saturday. Gostt: Sky, see me on chat when you can, I think I know of a army to pb with. Hey guys, Zero here. Read and comment on the active check below. This years New Year’s Resolutions will be…

CPR Active Count & The New Generation of Rangers

OVER! 80% of CPR is active! Good job guys, keep up the good work! Term, can u upload the header again, or make a new one? Hey Rangers, Wyoskyguy here!


Sky: Sorry to edit your post Chubby, but I need our event post to be on top. cpr gen. 2. Wow weve come far. But a new era is coming. A era were chubby acctualy comes to a few events!!! Omg! Alrighy sky, term, we need a government fast and im not goin there again. […]

First Event!

Chubby edit: hey guys 😀 i just thought id say, any resistance from the old cpr shall be delt with and be considered a call to arms. You have your chance to come Over to cpr. Thanks to Term for the new header. Helllooooooooooooooooooooooooo RANGERS!

2012 New Years’ Resolutions

Sky/Solar Linux: I am the same person. Remember Jet? Thats me too. Snickers, I have returned to relieve you of your duty. Your service has been an honor. I am restarting the ranks. I hear Fish attempted to take over. So I will do what he failed. But I am bringing the Solar Age. Gostt: […]