Archive | July 2011

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Consideration of Reinstatement

Hey it’s and old Ranger here, Tak! I haven’t been on in a while but I got on chat last night and apparently some people think I should come back. I was honoured when someone said “Takashiemiko< thats a real legend there”. Not verbatim but very close haha. Look my main point here is that […]

Return of the Senate?

Welcome Back To History! Results: Hello CPR

Defence of Hockey

Active Count + Promotions

You know how I said that if you didnt shape up ~ I would quit. It still applies. Active Count Over Hello CPR. Wyoskyguy here! With the Active Count + Promotions. First off ~ Active Count! Username: Rank: Activeness (1-10):

50k Hits Event

Gostt Edit: CPR now has a MiniCity. Go to it every day 🙂 Hello Rangers! Did I say Event? I meant

:!: Updated Allies/Neutral/Enemies :!:

This will be our Updated Allies/Neutral/Enemies list! Allies: Snow Fighters Global Defenders CP Green Team Army of Club Penguin Red Raiders Ice Warriors Cowboys of Club Penguin Storm Troops Sky Troops Romans of Club Penguin Club Penguin Navy Secret Club Penguin Army Fire Bandanas of Club Penguin Club Penguin Pirate Alliance Mountain Warriors Air Warriors […]

5th Year Anniversary

😀 Tactics Session: July 30th, 12 PM PST, 1 PM MST, 2 PM CST, 3 PM CST, 4 PM EST, 8 PM GMT Server: Klondike, we will be starting at the Plaza. COMMENT IF YOU CAN COME! July 24, 2011 Hey Guys, Wyoskyguy here…. With a somewhat long post. Today, is my…

OMG. If you keep this up, Im staying in CPR *Y*

retirement of chubby

title says it

CPR Leader here

Good news guys, at 11:25 PM CST – My mom called me and told me what the doc’s said. She just strained it pretty bad and had blood force trauma to her foot. Sounds very CSI like, doesn’t it? 😀 Hey guys…