Archive | June 2011

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I’m planning a event next Tuesday. I will get the time and place in a few days, and also it will be hopefully a pb or maybe a recruiting session. P.S. welcomes back Dee p.s.s also i made a system for my cussing. duck is the f bomb and grass is the a. shiz is […]

Rangers Forever

June 13, 2011 Greetings to all my fellow rangers. CPR. I’d like to apologize for being inactive for a couple of months. I would like to say first, that the reason to my inactiveness wasn’t due to me focusing on another army. I even became quite inactive with the CPUN for about two weeks due […]

The Future

So I just read the comments on the post in which Gostt addressed the people who support a merger.  I think, for once, I really do not know what to say or do.  It really pains me to see Red and KTman fighting like that, in regards to the whole “worshiping ACP” thing you guys have […]

my youtube

Gostt: Stop it with the ads. Be more like a 5* and stop posting random things. 😐 i gots me a youtube! check it out at

CPR Active Count

OVER! Proudly edited by Sky: HOLY SH— PIE! Your guys are joking right? 11 comments, this was only posted YESTERDAY. I am so proud of you hobos… Errr, troops. Hey CPR, Its that time again for a good active count. What is your cp name: What is your CPR rank: How active are you (1-10): […]

Hello World!

Welcome Term.

An Army Forever

@the people who think about a CPR merge:

Summer Interns

Hey guys, if you found this. You either a) looked on that big post that’s up there, or 2) you were bored and looked in the past posts… Whatever you did, you found this post. And were looking for CPR Summer Interns!

A Bunch of Stuff

Edit: Comment if you would like to be an intern, click here to find out what they are! Hello everyone. Your CiC here, and working like a breeze (woops, wrong script :P). Ok, let’s get onto the whole deal… Custom Penguin

Solving a mystery: Clubhot4 (privated for the safety of them)

1. Clubhot4 mysteriously became an admin on our site on Saturday. 2. None of the admins are known to have added him to the site. 3. I was talking to Chubby, and he said that someone impersonated him and tried to start a war b/w ST and CPR in a comment. WHO DUNNIT? (as of […]