CPR Movie

Included in this movie will be a section showing the current leaders of the CPR.

So I need the following people to comment on this post with a tiny pic link to a screenshot of their penguin’s player card, and a one-sentence description of yourself.








If you do not comment, you will not be mentioned in the movie.

Here’s an example of a comment:

Username: Snickers4763

Penguin: http://i51.tinypic.com/317bn7t.png 


Description: CPR Cameraman

Hello guys I am currently working on a CPR movie.  I will need footage of CPR recruiting and at a battle.  So I’ll tell you when we’re going to shoot that.

About Marcus

you looked.

7 comments on “CPR Movie

  1. Heh, awesome!

  2. Hey guys. I got surgery today. If i didnt i woulfdve died tommorow. My appendix was inflamed and about to burst. It was causing sever cramps. I wont have wifi because we were supposed to move today but i haddd to get surgery. So ill cya soon guys!

  3. Get well Chub. 🙂

  4. Get Well Soon Chubby!! No I Mean It Get Well Soon! >.<

  5. Good luck with the movie.

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