Retirement of Red Destoyz

Red Edit: Sky wrote this with me telling him what to write as I have been busy with exams but I mena everything he says even though he could of written a bit more about some people xD

We all knew this day was coming… and now it is.

First off, I would like to say, I will miss you guys a ton!

I have a few people I would like to mention here:

Gostt- Gostt, you are one of my greatest friends. I know you will lead CPR with Sky amazingly.
Sky- Wow… this guy has talent, I met you when you came to CPR chat following Gostt one day, we pretty much instantly became friends.
Fish- The creator of CPR. One of my best mates.
Ktman- One of CPR’s greatest leaders. Though there are a few troubles now, he is still one of CPR’s greatest leaders.
Dee- Long time mate of mine. I will forever be your friend.
Red Spanial- Loyal soldier, and leader of the Light CPR. He is extremely inactive, and more then likely gone.
KingJared- Our hard working soldier. I know you are really busy with IW, so I’ll just say this. Good luck.
Soccorfan- One of our greatest leaders. He lead CPR through what most couldn’t.
Taka- One of the first troops in CPR. An old mate, and a great one. Good luck to wherever you are.
Blubob- One loyal and hardworking soldier. He was a leader of CPR for awhile with Fish.
Artic- The longstanding soldier. One of the first soldiers in CPR.
Benu- He was once our 2ic, and head of senate. He was truly a great leader.
Itachi- THE CPR NOOB! (by his own request). One of my loyalest friends and army leader. Itachi, you will probably never read this, but your my best mate.
Guys, I will still be around. Have lots of fun.
A question Wyoskyguy asked me:
Do you think CP Warfare should be fun?
My answer:
It should be. But some people out there are just in it to make everyone else miserable.

– Red Destoyz

About Marcus

you looked.

8 comments on “Retirement of Red Destoyz

  1. Dang i wasnt mentioned! Sky and gostt, i request for suz to be at my side as co 2ic.

  2. You seemed like a great leader during the times I passed by this army.

  3. You were a great leader,red. Do you have xbox live btw? I’d love to add you when I get it 🙂

  4. You’re a great guy Red!

  5. Hey guys. I wont be on chat for about three weeks so cancel that event. Im moving so my wifi is down. My phone is slow it took me 5 minutes to write this *fedup*

  6. Sniff….. you didn’t mention me 😦 nahh its okay, I havent been on in a while, so it’s okay … 😛

  7. Well I’m late here… by a lot. but It seems like all the old Rangers are retiring. Good luck to you Red.

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