Archive | May 2011

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well we need to be more active

cmon guys. this army is legendary. atleast have some PBs. we are dying here folks. we should post more often! just sayin.

im leaving

SCRATCH THAT IM NOT LEAVING   well like gostt told me im just killing this army and im a ass so buh bye and btw you guys always make me feel bad i may not be a good leader but i like to have fun but you guys are always putting me down at a […]

Signatures Not To Merge.

chubby edit: it was just a idea you make me feel like a ass Here Are The Signatures. Comment if you do not work on the site to sign this. X_______Josephp3 X. Wyoskyguy X. Snickers4763 X.Flash70801

merge maybe???????

Gostt: HELL NO! What are you thinking?!? The Club Penguin Rangers will NEVER MERGE with ANYONE.  Your starting to get me mad if you know what I mean. Hey chubby here. i was thinking after i saw BSW website maybe we should merge with them. we all know this army is dying. and wouldnt it be better to be […]

Declaration of War

Called off Hullo, Wyoskyguy here.

CPR Meeting (Today)

Hello CPR… Gostt here to tell you about a meeting we will be having. Heres the info: Where at? CPR Chat For what? Things you need to know When?  5/21/2011 What Times? 5:00 pm EST 4:00 pm CST 2:00 pm PST 10:00 pm GMT That’s it for this post. Were talk more on what we may […]

Im commin back!!!

hey commin back red and the higher ranks Above me. make me advisor i will still be in cpr but i may be busy. so see ya 🙂

Active Count

Gostt Edit: RED! Fix the rules page on chat now!! Hello CPR…


epic battle on friday! we were outnumbered but we pulled through and beat acps hindqaurters. i liked this battle so much that i want to have a million more like it. about six people showed up lol. gostt, chubby, bluety11, p1blahblahblah, and a few others. great job cpr!


sorry for so many posts! but all day party this sunday! stop by at klondike lodge all day for the party. its going to be epic. there will be awards! like most epic penguin and best dressed 😀 its just to lightin the mood ya know?