Archive | April 2011

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cpr special forces

LINK: CPRSPECIALFORCES.WORDPRESS.COM NEW BRANCH OF CPR. The new branch is the cpr special forces. it is under huge construction so leaders i need your help! join up today you have to be a officer to join but no worries it will be member friendly soon. chubby logging off RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!


Get on Server Snow Fort! When? NOW! Where? Server: Snow Fort Room: Snow Forts What chat? Get on NOW! -Gostt

I’m back! Golden Days coming soon…

Before the rest of the post, I’ve got a couple of things to address… First, do you like the theme, a poll! Now the post Hello CPR.

Im Back!

Yes Im Back! *If u care to read this post click Read More!

Mass Recruiting

GUYS GET IT TOGETHER!  IF YOU WANT THIS ARMY TO SUCCEED, RECRUIT! For the next few weeks, we will be recruiting EVERY Friday in order to build up our forces. What: Recruiting Where: Mammoth, Town When: EVERY Friday 11 PM GMT 6 PM EST 5 PM CST 4 PM MST 3 PM PST Be spamming […]

Might Aswell Quit Again

Gostt: No more with the “quit post” ok? -_- For now on, comment want you need to say. And use your own name too.. Flash: Stop Annoying Me About That Name Taking Thing Its Over Already. Snickers4763: Good job on closing the comments Gostt xD If U Want Me To Quit Then Comment But If Not […]

Operation Sour is Back!

Guess what now –  They rescheduled Operation Sour!  Don’t worry, they’ve made it clear that this is simply a friendly practice battle between large and small armies, not an attempt to annihilate us.  Please come, it will be a lot of fun! Saturday, April 16, 2011 Server: OUTBACK 10 AM – 6 PM EST(Eastern USA/Canada) […]

The Results Have Been Decided

Josephp3: Flash! You Did NOT I repeat: NOT Win! Since I Quited No One Won So There has to be another Poll OR No one gets *3 Flash: Read the comment (d) Gostt:  No your not Flash -.- The Winner Of 3* Is ME!!! Well Sky and Jose it left only me in the poll. so […]


Another one BLOWS

Gostt-Edit: Sorry for editing more post but, FLASH, YOUR DEAD! He was useing Sky’s name (Wyoskyguy) When i seen him, i got on the chat he was on, then when he seen me, he ran off xat! WTF FLASH?! Sorry for the text edit on the pic -.- i was MAD…  -.- It’s the same […]