Archive | January 2011

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CPR Training Center/Another New Page

We have been really lucky to get alot of new recruits lately. This is a big help, especialy considering how far we have come in the rebuilding effort of the CPR.  Many of our new recruits already come from other major armies, and have prior experiance, but here in the CPR, we do things a […]

New Page

Ok We are going to have Suggestions for a New Page on the CPR site! This page can be about anything you want but make sure we do not have an existing page like it. Once we receive your suggestions we will have a poll on the leading suggestions and the winner will get added […]


Red Destoyz Edit: A link to the CPR + IW vs DCP video. Please rate, comment and subscribe as if you do that more, our videos can spread around Youtube. Also Takashiemiko can you make a page compiled of all the CPR Videos and then we will link it to the home page and it […]


Well some of you where there and other were not, I came late to the party. However I still showed up in time to take some video, and here it is. It’s relly long but I did cut it in mor than half, it was originally 20 minutes long unedited.


Ok first, for the title. Yes I did just make up the word “Updations” So please don’t QQ in the Comments about how you looked it up in the Dictionary and it wasnt there etc. Ok now we have a new Xat Background for chat thanks to Morpheus and his “Efforts” xD Us in CPR, […]

Defensive Formations/Pinpoint Bombardment

The CPR is not a large army.  While we continue to grow, we still do not have the bulk of armies such as IW and ACP.  Therefore, we must have superior tactics.  When defending, we will either form a tight wall of soldiers, or be more spread out.  Both tactics will be organized.  When defending […]

The January Sleep

Well I can Officially say we have all fallen asleep to School in the Month on January! So i am proposing we have some thinking Game (of some sorts :/) Well comment below what  do you think would be the next thing to make a CPR video. It can be practically ANYTHING! Just comment below […]


I’m not very good with post but Red said I had to do a post when we should do a meeting, i’m not sure what the meeting should be about but I know what times. Here are the people who should be at this meeting, Flash, Kaihawk, Trevhawk, and Sly. Chat: Date: January 15, […]

Head of Senate

Well here are the final results to the Head of Senate elections! Congratulations to our New Head of Senate! And all the Sneators Good Job! We will be having regular Head Of Seante elections and Senator elections so if you didnt get what you wanted there is another chance. I want the New Head of […]

H.o.S. Interviews

Why should you be elected the Head of Senate? I am posting what you have told me via CPR Chat, but I would like you to comment below and give me a more in depth answer. Kiahawk said: (not verbatem) I am very active and I have been in many other armys before. i have […]