Fishpop’s Holiday Post

Merry Christmas everyone.

I thought I would start off with a joke:

Santa was not having a good Christmas.  Rudolph and Blitzen had died in car crashes, Mrs. Cluas had left him for another saint, and he was behind scheduel for loading the sleigh; Christmas was an hour away.  Right as he finished packing up his sleigh, the sack with all the presents ripped and the presents were scattered across the floor.  Santa was pissed.  At that moment, an angel appeared with a Christmas tree.  “I got the tree, Mr. Cluas,” the angel said happily, “Where should I put it?”

And that is why angels are on top of the Christmas trees.

Well, how was that for a crack at humor? Not bad, eh?

I know it is Christmas, but there is still some buisness to discuss.  For starters, I am implementing a new alert system for our blog, or “Defense Condition” (DEFCON).  This will serve as an alert to troops, informing them of our status.   DEFCON 5 is the lowest level alert, or simply a peacetime condition.  DEFCON 1 is the highest alert: Weapons are Free, await orders for attack.  Everything in between is a different degree of intensity.  I will hopefully find a way to display this on the site. 

Also, I would like to remind everyone that we are still under the risk of hacks.  We are under LOCKDOWN.  No person is to be made an member t the blog, or moderator of owner of the chat without the permission of Red, Dee, or myself.  This threat is very real.  I plan to have a backup blog running in the next few weeks. 

Furthermore, CPR soldiers are to temporarly CEASE all operations on the server, Mammoth.  Due to the sensitive and confidential nature, we can not discuss the reasons for this order.  Anyone cuaght breaking this order will be court martialed.  Please note that this is TEMPORARY, and we will continue and restart our operations on Mammoth in the next comming weeks.

As said earlier, I propose we create a Court Martial system.  Such a system would comprise of three judges, elected by the soldiers.  They will deal with internal problems within our army. 

Also, I hope to see the senate up and running soon.  I ask that Ktman, Red Destoyz, Articsledder be there to help me draft a constitution. 

From me, and from all of us at the CPR, Happy Holidays!

Rangers lead the Way!

About Marcus

you looked.

4 comments on “Fishpop’s Holiday Post

  1. Great post Fishpop! A nice set of recaps and plan briefing there. 😆 Great idea – DEFCON. We should start that.

    Enjoy your Christmas and New Year everybody!
    Promos below! 😮

  2. We need to make a branch that will deal with real life affairs about hackers and real life threats to us if there isn’t already.

  3. merry christmas! feliz navidad! sorry for not bein on chat for a long time its cuz some thing bad happened. our eletric cut off so we couldnt see or do anything with out hurting our selfs but i do hope that fishpops idea works!

  4. happy holidays my amigos lawl im not really spanish or mexican.

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