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Guys Stop Saying all This

I know you guys mean well as 321fishpop and Dozy saying i have great Leadership qualities etc but that is simply not the case. I am not a great leader at all, the fact is that 321fishpop, Ktman and Dee are the best leaders we got and that if i ever was the Commander of CPR i probably would do a bad job. Why? Well because i never have led anything very well and i have barely led much. Everything i have led has not been in the History books like what these guys have led. So Please these guys are the Real Leaders here and i really shhould show more respect by calling them “Sir” again. I never was great in the leadership qualities just for being Active and Hard working. Even these i soon wont be much of as i have exams in January and following that on. I can see Great Leaders, the ones we already have and those in lower ranks i can see will become great leaders. I am not a Great Leader and doubt i ever will be.

Also, Meeting on Wednesday the same times as the one which was supposed to be on Saturday but i changed it as we need Mchappy to turn up. I want EVERYONE THERE. We are doing Mass Promotions on Friday and if you want to secure a promotion you better turn up or you will miss out.

Thats all for me guys.

Rangers Lead the WAY!!!

-Red Destoyz

About Marcus

you looked.

One comment on “Guys Stop Saying all This

  1. can i has author

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