Archive | December 2010

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Happy New Year Rangers!

December 31, 2010 – January 1, 2011 Hey Rangers! It’s Dee, your advisor here to wish you all a Happy New Year! Though we have nothing special right now, there is one post in the CPUN where we can all share our stories and anything we want. Since we have no post right now, maybe […]

Happy New Year!

Hello, rangers! It’s the last day of 2010, so that means tomorrow is 2011. For Dee and I, New Year is in 5 hours and 25 minutes. So, you would still be able to see this post and comment if it’s still morning or day there. Let’s make our New Year’s resolutions for the Club […]

Roll Call

Guys we have our BIG CPUn tournament we are attending later so get on chat >.< We are with the CPEM against the Cowboys and CPD etc. I think i will lead it unless someone else comes on all get on chat and i will tell you guys to get on. Just get on so […]

New Uniform

To all Rangers with memberships. Our new uniform looks an awful lot like the RT’s uniform.   To get rid of any confusion, I have instituted a new uniform, with the Red Hockey Jersey replacing the Red Varsity Jacket.  Otherwise, the uniform is to remain the same. The uniform pictured consists of the following items: Head: […]

Fishpop’s Holiday Post

Merry Christmas everyone. I thought I would start off with a joke: Santa was not having a good Christmas.  Rudolph and Blitzen had died in car crashes, Mrs. Cluas had left him for another saint, and he was behind scheduel for loading the sleigh; Christmas was an hour away.  Right as he finished packing up […]

Sweet Tidings of Promotions and Joy!

Dee edit: I think we should repost this. COMMENT if you didn’t get a promotions! I’ll make that funky header for ya Red. 😛 BTW, Takashiemiko is back? Commander in Chief(s) – Ktman2, 321Fishpop Co-Commander in Chief(s)  – Red Destoyz, Mr Deedledoo 5 Star General – KingJared7 4 Star General -Color Peng 3 Star General […]

Christmas Stories

  Ok In the mood of all things We will make stories as i was telling people to do on CPR chat you can edit one in the post ( if you can) or comment below. This is one i made on CPR chat its a little short but, hey, it was fun xD. Once […]

What a CP Ranger should be like||ACTIVE COUNT

December 2010 Hey guys, it’s Dee here, your advisor, once again with another entertaining post. 🙂 This time, it isn’t about news or wars or etc. It’s about the nature and goals of the army – a lesson. This sort of thing is seldom done in small and even major armies today. Well, I want […]

A Little Controversy

December 20, 2010 Hey guys, it’s Dee here, known fully as Mr Deedledoo but also known as. CPR advisor and chat owner. I just wanted to tell all you guys that we should be extra careful this week because we believe someone is trying to take the site and chat. We the main owners have […]

Guys Stop Saying all This

I know you guys mean well as 321fishpop and Dozy saying i have great Leadership qualities etc but that is simply not the case. I am not a great leader at all, the fact is that 321fishpop, Ktman and Dee are the best leaders we got and that if i ever was the Commander of CPR […]