Why the BPA Must be Destroyed

“guess what i am 99kane and i don’t no why you think clubhot is me but i can tell you that clubhot is my bro he does most the posts for me.But for i do turn up for battles and you lot are stupid f******”

-99kane, Emperor of the BPA, comment on CPR Blog

For reasons unknow to me, the so called “Emperor” of the BPA has written such a disgusting comment on the CPR Blog.  I do not tolerate such language, as my troops will testify too, and I am harsh with discipline regarding foul language on MY site.  By saying “my”  I am not trying to suggest that I have full control of the site.  In fact, it is through Red’s grace that I am an admin of the site.  However, I do take full resposnibility for what happens on this site. 

I hereby declare that we are in a now open state of warfare with the BPA, and we will commence in invading all of their servers.  I ask all CPR soldiers to take up in the war against this disgusting excuse for an army.  They are liers and cheaters.  They are skilled in stringing webs of lies.  They depend on treachery to achieve their goals.   Such army is what is called an “evil” army.  Such armies have no place in out community, and must be delt with swiftly and efficiently.  

-321fishpop, CPR Commander In Chief


Red Destoyz Edit: I thought we were having a meeting about this and anyway i have more important enemies to fight at the present time

About Marcus

you looked.

10 comments on “Why the BPA Must be Destroyed

  1. That was a quick post come on chat

  2. If you are reading this at around the time in comment or hours later

  3. lets be rational and wait for the meeting

  4. Down with BPA! Down with their filthy, lazy, and rude leader who lets his brother do the posts for him.

  5. No. Not the leader of BPA… I mean 99kane!

  6. RT more important but i need to speak to you alex :S

  7. I swear everyone gets banned from this if their grades fall :/

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