Join Now For Good Ranks

Hey Red Destoyz here again residing as 5* General of the CPR and its time again for another recruiting campaign. If you join below you will get a get a high up rank in the Club Penguin Rangers. This is a limited offer and if you accept by saying so in the comments you will be a part of this Great Army who have been around longer than any other great army.




Commander in Chief(s) – 321Fishpop, Articsledder

5 Star General – Red Destoyz

4 Star General -Takashiemeko

3 Star General – Red Spanial

2 Star General – King Jared 7

1 Star General – Color Peng

Graphic Designer – Dozy12

Media Officer –

CPR OFFICERS (Open to all)

Major General – Chubby45378, Slider568

Major – Kong7, sosy43916, Grillchz200

Captain -Sapphire2010,Alex51992

Lieutenant – J55559

REGULAR RANKS  (Open to all) 

Master Sargeant

Sargeant 1st Class

Sargeant -Suz4890,

Corporal 1st Class


Private 1st Class-




Me, Fishpop and the rest of CPR High Command will add you to the ranks in due course.

Rangers Lead the WAY!!!

-Red Destoyz

About Marcus

you looked.

9 comments on “Join Now For Good Ranks

  1. I should be 4 star general…………..

  2. For new recruits and people who want promotions only 😛

  3. Sorry for not being active recently. I signed off temporarily from the CPUN last week to concentrate on my exams which is mext week.

    I cannot believe how active the site has been recently. With good ole Artic back and oldie Ninja – hey Ninja remember me? And you know what tae means! 😀

    Congratulations to Dozy. I knew he’d do awesome. 😉 He should be mod.

    For my suggestion, I think we need to organize a meeting. Get everyone on the chat modded and membered. 🙂 Also we need to talk about the BPA and what we should do about them.

    We might be luring ourselves into trouble. It’s different nowadays. Small armies are friends with large ones and most dangerously – hackers. We don’t want the CPR site get hacked do we? 😉

    Anyways, awesome awesome awesome job at the site. I hope everyone in the army would comment.

    Rangers Lead the Way!

    Be back soon

  4. It’s awesome to see many olf CPR members back.
    Also, I might not be on for sometime because its my final exams.

  5. FINAL exams? its not even January!!!
    I know dee, hacks are similar to the Nuclear Weapons of CP warfare

  6. So what are firewalls?

  7. And ive ahd exams not final ones but partial final ones are later in the year and yeah ill make a post about a meeting but guys please try to attend because its usually only me

  8. Hello,

    The fixtures for the next round of the group stages are out! Please visit our site for all of the details!



  9. Guys, see that comment from Nathan? I think its an excellent EXCELLENT way to get the CPR noticed. In fact, we are noticed because he is looking at us.

    We have opportunities for this army to be seen by the world when we couldn’t in the old days

    Should we commit to the CPSAC tournament? BTW, does Red and Fish know what CPAC is? Since you guys had rarely been around (maybe Fishpop has), you may not know CPAC. Well, it’s CPA Central, the biggest news site ever. It’s run by all leaders and I’m a legend there. 🙂 Basically, all armies revolve around the site and try to get their news on it by working hard.

    Lastly, if ever we have ANY events, take pictures. Pics are gold of today and is how reporters around the CP World evaluates your army. Always post the result of a PB, War, Tactics/Recruiting, with a post and pics. 😉

    Awesome post at the CPUN Fish. So unique that we hVen’t had one like that in a while. Continue posting. You may even post about comparing the goold old days to now! Post anything you want. :mrgreen:


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