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They Never Quit

Well me and Artic turned up raring for battle and guess what? No BPA turned up. Now they are saying that the battle will take place on their day so they decided not to turn up. So guess that means we won. And in order to reply to that comment that will surely be at the end of this post by Clubhot4 since that is BPA’s only soldier and all his complaints to this post that BPA has 150 troops or whatever. So that is another win under our belts along with the many we have already we had. And we arent going to go to war with BPA on whatever day they want as we challenged them and they picked up the gauntlet. Our War, Our Rules. And if they dont recognise their lost well we will just ignore them completely.

Rangers Lead the WAY!!!

-Red Destoyz

About Marcus

you looked.

One comment on “They Never Quit

  1. BPA is just pretending to have 150 soldiers. they’re pathetic

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