Archive | November 2010

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I do have limits…

Hey Red again and lets talk about the army that copied us completely, Ranger Troops. Notice anything about their name? Yeah they stole it from us. And Guess what else they stole? Out uniform and our catchphrase. Wow They look like such a new army… They are even getting publicity and that is just […]

Emergency Talks and Meeting List

Meeting List 321fishpop Red Destoyz Artic Sledder Mr Deedledoo King Jared Dozy12 Colour Peng Ninja09 Ktman Alexcone Kane99 Clubhot4 Also would 321fishpop,Alexcone and Kingjared7/Articsledder come on CPR chat asap as there is things i need to discuss it doesnt have to be all together just asap. Rangers Lead the WAY!!! -Red Destoyz

Why the BPA Must be Destroyed

“guess what i am 99kane and i don’t no why you think clubhot is me but i can tell you that clubhot is my bro he does most the posts for me.But for i do turn up for battles and you lot are stupid f******” -99kane, Emperor of the BPA, comment on CPR Blog For […]


Hey everyone. Dozy, your graphics designer, here. Have you ever wanted a graphics? But when you order it from a shop it either costs too much or never even comes? Well , come along to Dozy’s Gfx Shack. Where the graphics are fast AND free. For a limited time I am accepting workers. So join today! ~Dozy


  We got about 11 at the most i think someone count xD Rangers Lead the WAY!!! -Red Destoyz

Important Chat Meeting

  Hey Guys Red Again and theres an important meeting on CPR Chat next Saturday i would like it if everyone on the list would turn up. Chat Date—Saturday 4th December Chat Time— GMT:8pm/EST:3pm/CST:2pm/MST:1pm/PST:12pm ~~~CHAT LIST~~~ 321fishpop Red Destoyz Artic Sledder Mr Deedledoo King Jared Dozy12 Colour Peng Ninja09 Ktman Alexcone Kane99 Clubhot4   If […]

Join Now For Good Ranks

Hey Red Destoyz here again residing as 5* General of the CPR and its time again for another recruiting campaign. If you join below you will get a get a high up rank in the Club Penguin Rangers. This is a limited offer and if you accept by saying so in the comments you will be […]

To the BPA

First off, I would like to apologize for not attending last night’s battle with the BPA.  This August, I had moved from the United States to Switzerland, and I am still trying to adapt to the new enviornment.  I am therfore passing Executive Order 1, that, in my absence, Red Destoyz or Articsledder will make […]

Dark CPR Reborn?

Yes i have restored the Dark CPR and changed it a bit. I am trying to get some CPR Divisions up a running so we can increase troops and be more organised. I fanyone wants to help me run Dark CPR and do posts and organise the site comment belo or go to the link. […]

They Never Quit

Well me and Artic turned up raring for battle and guess what? No BPA turned up. Now they are saying that the battle will take place on their day so they decided not to turn up. So guess that means we won. And in order to reply to that comment that will surely be at […]