Archive | October 2010

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Old Pictures

New Chat Box

i have created a new chat box because i don’t think anyone knows who owns it or is a moderator of it. So i made a new one i am normally on it. If you see me ill add you and all high ranks will be moderators. Rangers lead the WAY! -Red Destoyz

Recruitment in Permafrost

Any CPR please go to the forest in Permafrost where we are recruiting more soldiers. If your the only one there please start and more will join you. Rangers Lead the WAY! -Red Destoyz

Website Updates

I am still currently working on the website to get it in tip top shape.  I have edited the CPR Legends page, and added Itachi6dark.  Last night, I have edited the ranks page.  Take note that this is just a bare bones ranking system, created to fill our needs for the time being.  We also […]

Ive still got it

Well was on Fjord following some ACP noobs any generally annoying them when i saw a group of Nachos. They were claiming that this was their server and were battling the ACP they fled to get some reinforcements i fought them alone and i won, again. I guess ive still got the fight in me. […]

Recruitment Update

Ok to gather more troops i think that we shall have our recruitment day tomorrow on Permafrost. Te times will be decided on later buut we will recruit more so we will have a bigger army and can get a better ranking system in with more ranks. We will be recruiting in the forest and […]


I have returned and i have seen alot of soldiers i have worked with have left because of alot of innactivity on this site. I propose that we have a recruitment run soon to start gaining more troops. We can start on medium sized servers and stand where alot of people are. If we get […]

Guess who’s back?

Guess who has returned to serve once more? If you can’t guess let me tell you. Reddestoyz the ancient one has returned after about 3 years off CP due to various reasons but now i’m back. I am on my new penguin “Redblazed” as my old penguin reddestoyz was deleted one of the reasons why […]


TO ALL CPR TROOPS In order to begin rebuilding, I have deemed it neccessary to have a base from which we can have practice battles, recruiting sessions, and other CPR activities.  Snowfall usually has one or two bars on the user count.  It is claimed by the British Penguin Army ( as their training/backup capital server.  […]

Order 39 Updates

A recent photo came out on the ACP website showing the Nacho Leader surrendering on chat.  I do not fully believe the authenticity of this photo, as ACP is skilled in minipulative propeganda, yet I deem it to be rpudent to assume that Nachos have abandoned the fight against ACP.  There are two possible routes […]