Where did you go??

hey guys I noticed that there have ben no popss in a while.  know that Newcastle18’s retiermet is bad for us but come on don’t stop posting. Soldiers you guys needto comment on posts, let us know what your thinking on tat subject, or even a totally different one. ust comment andpost, don’t let CPR die out. It almosted happen once ets not let it happen again. I admit I haven’t been on in a while but I’ve been busy moving ( again) and I’m in Boy Scoutso that taes up most of my time. But yet I still fnd time to be active in  CPR. If yur reading this post comment and tell me whatyou thin neds to be done. Don’t forge when your on Club Penuin to recruit. You don’t have to recruit all the time but doing it sometimes would help. Anyway, just thought I should make a post since no one has in a while.

Rangers Lead The Way


About Marcus

you looked.

22 comments on “Where did you go??

  1. Purple Heads are invading Permafros, your capital. http//purpleheadarmyph.wordpress.com

  2. woah woah woah, you cant just send in the comment to us that ur invading our capital the day ur doing it

  3. Wanna Merge? my cp army’s name is RCP (Rangers Of Club Penguin)So maybe we can expand our army…

  4. Hey rangers please do something or if your bored of this site can I have it? Please respond to me.

  5. We havent forgot about CPR we will not let it die out!!!

  6. Guys.. You are one of the only people left who actually experienced the old days. Please don’t go.

    Don’t let another army come up with the name Club Penguin Rangers. You are the true CPR! You are the only CPR founded by Ktman himself.

    I’ll be waiting for a reply..

  7. I’m SORRY for not being active for a long time.. I just forgot to check out this site every time I go on the computer. Maybe I could have helped stop this army from falling.
    I’m sorry, a lot….

  8. We can let it fall ilke this we gotta get this up any way we can.Maybe we should merge with a bigger army and that might help.But anyway RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!!!!!

  9. I’m not one to be the person with the harsh replys but, face it everyone has lost interest. I admit I have even lost interest for a while. I can’t revive this army by myself. If you guys wanna get this army started up again let me know and I’ll help, but if not just tell me and I’ll have to forget the Club Penguin Rangers… Forever.

    Hopefully not the last,
    Rangers Lead The Way

  10. This is ninja7 h and I want to help rebuild this army.

  11. I want to restart this army again im sure some of the CPUN will help.

  12. We tried and no one has commented yet.If its any people who wanna get CPR started again go on Ice warriors chat and artic might be on.He was a former leader of CPR.Or go to http://www.clubpenguinunitednations.wordpress.com there are alot of former CPR troops there that would love to help start this army up again.

  13. You got that right KJared.

    Takashiemiko, if there’s one thing I’d NEVER want to see in CP Warfare while I’m around – it’s that another army would come with the name CPR. NO. Absolutely NO. It’s okay but the memory of you guys deserving the name glory is just so sad to think of. I’m not letting any other Club Penguin Rangers overlap you guys. YOU are the original Rangers. YOU were allies with the Red Raiders. YOU voluntarily fought the Major Armies together with other small armies of that generation. There will be no other army left with a history like that. Any new CPR made by completely different people would never have experienced anything like YOU, the original CPR, did.

    I don’t believe merging would be good for such an army. I tell you what. Takashie, and any other leader of veteran left out there – I’ll really get you guys back up. I’ll promote you in the CPUN and I also want you guys to become editors there. You deserve it. You deserve to be able to finally speak out to a bigger crowd. We need veterans like you guys. We are lacking in experienced people.

    Remaining leaders or CPR soldiers, E-mail me at mrdeedledoo@yahoo.com and I’ll get you your right at the CPUN. And by next week, CPR individual soldiers will be in the CPUN Hall of Fame. CPR and Ktman ahs been in the Hall of Fame for a long time. It’s about to time some of you get honorable mention. 😉

    I’ll be waiting for your e-mails and I’ll check back on this post. 😀
    Until then!

  14. We should get this started back again.Look at all the good active CPUN armies that have fallen. CPR,RR,Sleet empire (my personal favorite).CPR has only 2 active troops.You and me Takashie.Wish Ktman was active.Artic can be found at http://www.thicewarriorsarmy.wordpress.com/chat (link might not work) or just contact dee.Artic claims CPR

  15. When you get a chance Takashie you should really go on IW chat.

  16. Look what has happened to our site at stickdudesclub.wordpress.com

  17. Ok Ktman im not insane and i already reported your web site to word press now will you leave me alone and stop hacking my web site!

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