Archive | January 2010

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The Retirement of Newcastle18/Soccerfan8

Hey guys im really sorry to say that today i will be retiring from the rangers because i noticed my english grade was dropping low so i had to either quit iw or cpr, and sadly, i had to choose cpr. i need to make this a bit short because i have homework im not just singleing cpr out, im probably […]

We gotta stay out of it

I dont know all the details of the alleged IW rebbelion, but if it does exist, it does not concern us.  We have enough problems with our own army, and getting involved in the IW’s problems is not right for us in our current situtaion.  So, I repeat, do not interact with anyIW on any […]

IW Rebelion

Well theres has been a rebelion in iw. icey has said to be impeached but for unfair reasons go to for icey iw site is still iw chat rebel iw leader is sriv and dan all for now Newcastle18


well hello all rangers its been a few minutes till the tourny ended and i right now am admitting we lost. because i didnt really see a CPUN judge around so yes We averaged about 2-4 people while RUS had about 3-5 people i would also like to thank ccool dude for coming because he […]


yes we have successfully invaded permafrost me and artic recruited about 3 guys and then artic had to leave and i got around 4 people to attack some people at the snow forts Yes Permafrost is now our capital after 25 mintues of invading Thank all that came (me and artic ;)) Newcastle18


CHECK THE INVASION UNDER! MAKE SURE YOUR ON CHAT FOR THIS! Hello all CPR There is a small army tourny i entered us in. copied from CPUN site RUS ACP vs CPR Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Snowfort, Snowfort 3:45PST 4:45MST 5:45CST 6:45EST Rules: This battle will last 15 minutes. Otherwise, same rules as battle 1 (fake […]


To all people who visit this site and all CP Rangers, and to everyone in all club penguin Armies, I want to wish you all a happy new year on behalf of all the CPR leaders.  2009 was a difficult year for us, as we had lossed many troops and we have fell into a […]

Happy New Years CPR!

Just hear hoping a happy new years to ALL 2010 is here and its time for a new decade to reform and grow go out and have another fun year everyone well from the CPR staff HAPPY NEW YEARS! 🙂    ps its 1:20 am est here ;D