Archive | December 2009

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MAKE SURE YOU COMMENT ON THE ACTIVE POST BEFORE YOU COMMENTED HERE! ALSO BE ON XAT.COM/RANGERSOFCP DURRING THE INVASION TO GET CORRECT INSTRUCTIONS! We will be invading Permafrost and it will be our capital server until we find a new one here we go: What: Invasion Where: Permafrost, Town When: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010! Times 2:00 […]

To Ktman

Hi KT.  I wanted to have a meeting on the cpr chat sometime to discuss the future of the CP mythbusters.  If your like me, you have school off all weekend, so it would be easy to arrange a meeting time one night.  Please comment ASAP -321fishpop   RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!!  

Merry Christmas

Just stoping by to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy holidays. I know christmas was yesterday but i went somewhere and couldnt post this Well from the CPR staff MERRY CHRISTMAS

Defend Rainbow

Newcastle18 edit: Fish Rainbow is acutally a WW server so i didnt know that and i gave rainbow away, after christmas we will invade another server and make that our capital * EMERGENCY UPDATE* Nachos has raided Rainbow.  All Rangers are to report to Rainbow but do not engage enemy soldiers until th orders are […]

Rainbow Situation

Newcastle18 edit: Since WW owns Rainbow i guess we have to give it up and look for another server. We Recently on a new nacho post Nachos are going to be raiding our capital, and only server Rainbow. Well sence its only a raid im sure theres nothing to worry about but if an invasion comes […]

Active Post

*Important post under this one* Yes another one of those active post all people who do comment will have a bold on the ranks showing there active people who dont will not have bold simple 3 questions Name: Rank: Active: Example Name: Newcastle18 Rank: Co Supreme Commander Active: Yes Doesnt have to be in blue […]

To The Team Gold

Once again forget what i said, we are still going to look for a couple of servers to invade to get more out to club penguin. Newcastle18 Hey newcaslte18 here well recently team gold posted alot of sh*t on this site about how they cant afford organs. and this Spice ice kid thinks hes tough […]


Newcastle18 edit: Invasion called off… do not step on ice bound RANGERS LEAD THE WAY Newcastle18 MAKE SURE TO BE AT CHAT TOO!!! HELLO ALL CPR WE ARE INVADING TEAM GOLDS LAND OF ICE BOUND BECAUSE WE WANNA CRUSH! Here it is: What: Invasion Where: Icebound, Snowforts When: Saturday, 19th Times 6:00 PM Est […]

BTCP/New Chat

*Important Edit At Bottom, Please Read* Well i just got a comment saying that the BTCP leader wanted for us to become enemies, Well this is just a warning to them, if you go to the nations page you will see that if enemies are spotted on our server(s) (Rainbow in our case) we will attack. So […]

Uniform Proposal & Recruiting

Well, if we are gonna get CPR back to what it was then we are gonna have to recruit recruit recruit! Its that simple, for those new guys you are gonna have to be out there recruiting every time ou are on Club Penguin. Even if its only five minutes you should really REALLY recruit […]