A Party To Remember

Edit: Artic: I have decided to stay with the army a bit longer. Ill be around to help with some stuff like aproving comments and adding ranks.  Sorry I missed the party, I went to my friends house at the last minute.

Hi guys, its Artic. Both Me and Fishpop have decided to Retire from  CPR.   It was a great run, over one year. But This Army is alot of work.  And Being a high rank in Ice Warriors I cant Deal With it.  Fishpop can insert his reason for retiring here.

FISHPOP edit-  well guys, we had a great run, but I am gonna live my life and i need to get back in touch with myself.  I might still be around, but alweays leave me as an author, im not gonna forget you guys!  I think that with my retierment, i will be able to close a chapter of the rangers, and yet open another.  As my last order as leader, i hearby give all power i possesed to takashimeko.  If you accept, please make a post.

In my Place I leave Takishiemiko, who joined A couple hours before me.   And since Fishpop intended for me to take his leader spot, Tak will become leader.   Now both of us will be having a retirement party.   Here are the times and dates

Date:  Sunday July 19th

Server: Klondike

Place: Nightclub, but we will move around

Time:  2 PST

Anyone can come. Feel free to bring your army.

I hope after we retire CPR will continue. I will be Adding Takishiemiko and Newcastle18 to the Website later tonight.



About Marcus

you looked.

9 comments on “A Party To Remember

  1. Sorry to here that but the one thing that shall remain is the legacy of CPR.I will try to make it to the the party.Even know has a couple troops we can make it.Is it anyway i can be a general or something please.

  2. I’ll try to be there 😛 Yeah i decided I might as well just come.You did nice as CPR leader.And Our battle was great.I hope to see more of CPR in the future.

  3. I am going to bring my army. CPM Club Penguin Marines. Thanks for this opertunity to become allies.
    ~GPH(CPM Leader)

  4. i will be at the retirement party


    rangers lead the way!

  5. Hey Arctic..Do you want to have a pb with the ninja fighters(if u dont know gg changed into nf)Since we outnumber u by a lot,we can just do our army division vs ur whole army.What do you think?Remember just a practice battle.

  6. Actually can we just do our whole army vs. CPR and an ally of your choice.You can pick any army thats your ally just no major armies or armies thats over 50 active people.

  7. Ugh i keep messing up.No armies thats over 40 active ppl.An army like SPAAF or something would be fine.

  8. I think you guys should merge with the Red Raiders namd ke the Club Penguin Red Ranger Raiders or something like that. It’s sad that you guys will retire. We were all together as a batch back in the old days.


  9. […] armies such as the Ice Warriors though. They have just had a Party to Remember last Sunday. Click here to read […]

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