Archive | June 2009

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We beat the Hornets of Steel!/ Something Important.

Hi guys! We beat the Hornets of steel (Well they didnt show) Here is proof, 5 minutes after the War started, we didnt see them anywhere in the server. The only enemy there were some blue noobs.  I even checked there chat. It was empty. Now, Here is the Big news. Tonight Me and several […]

Dont forget the war with hornets of steel!

Hi guys! I hope you dont forget the war with Hornets of Steel. It will be on Deep Snow ( an IW server : ) TODAY!!!! Time:7:00est Where:Deep Snow   RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!! -Articsledder  

Welcome to the Club Penguin Rangers!

Hello! WElcome to the Club Penguin Rangers! If you were just recruited, comment on the join page and go to our chat (  Scroll down for News and more info. Tommarow We battle Hornets of Steel at Tuesday the 23 Time:7:00est Where:Deep Snow     Club Penguin Rangers are currently at:     And remember, RANGERS LEAD […]

Re-Invasion of Flurry/Steel hornets declared war on us.

Hi guys, We have decided to invade flurry again, but this time with the help of the SPA airforce.  I want everyone to be there!  Here is the post from the SPAAF site. CPR members do not be offended. We are doing this for u not for ourselves. Guyz i want to get alot of […]

Im proud :)

Hi guys. The war today went well, even though we lost. We showed up 45 minutes early and immediatly began to open fire.    After recruiting ALOT we got lots of people. and actually beat them in a skirmish. But I left for one second and so did the recruits, only me and Newcastle18 were still […]

Declaring War on Green Guards.

Hi guys, Its Arctic. Well on Saturday (Three days after they joined CPUN  🙄 ) The green Guards invaded flurry.  They commented telling us on Friday, and I apoligize for not telling you guys.  I accepted it.  But then today, they came back calling us a tiny noob army. So we are taking back Flurry. […]

Why I am Back

Well after thinking about it, I realize why I came out of this unanounced retierment.  I believe that there are many reforms that will take place in Club Penguin.  I know now that I have better much healthier things to do than to bang away at my keyboard.  Sometimes I wish I never had learned […]

INVASION OF SLEET/ Practice battle with the SPA Airforce

The armies of Club Penguin have formed a major coalition force to oust the Golds who have occupied sleet.  There are variouse resistance groups who are working to bring down Golds.  I announce the first battle in the invasion of sleet. Date: Saturday, June 13th Server: Sleet Time: 5:30 PST Room: Dock As shown in […]