Archive | May 2009

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Recruiting Session!

Hi guys! Its Arctic. We are slowly getting more troops, and some troops back, but I think more could be done. So this week, we will be recruiting everyday!  Time: 3 PM PST 4 PM in the rocky Mts 5 PST in the Midwest 6 PST on the East coast of the US. Place: Mammoth […]


Ladies and gentlemen of the armies in club penguin…… For the first time ever, there will be series of wars in servers across the nations of our finest armies. This will be the real world war using our penguins. Every soldier in every army is invited to join a country shown in one of the […]

Im sorry[And Pleasantly Suprised]

Well like the tital said I am sorry for not being here for a long long time, but I have found a new site [not a cp site] and a am slowly quiting club penguin.  Well I was going to announce my retierment and the disbandment of CPR, but I think I’ve Changed my mind. TO KTMAN-stay as […]

Active Post/Ranks

Hi guys. Its Artic. I thnk we should have an active count. People have been coming and going recently.  So if You are Active, Comment and you will get a rank. This is sort a first come first serve thing, unless someone who was a higher rank gets stuck with a low rank. Supreme Commander/President-  […]

Practice battle coming up

Hi its Artic.  I have decided to stay with the rangers for a while. The other times I tried to help I never put in enough work. But this time its different. Now, SPA Airforce wishes to have a Practice battle with us. We dont know the time yet, Ill edit it in when its […]

Without A Plan I Return

Ktman: Tonight I will shceadule a meeting to discuss the future of the CPR.  I feel it is needed. Artic:   Im not sure who will get what rank, we might talk about it at the upcoming meeting, but here are the active people:  Ktman, Articsledder, coolkid4040, ninja1215, and Michealb3557, and takeshiemmiko Today, I announce my […]


Hey! I decided not to shut it down (I dont have the power to anyways, I probably should have thought of that first) Ktman may come back! He says that as soon as things die down in ACP he will revive the army! -Articsledder