Archive | April 2009

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Im back/Invasion of the golds

Hi, Its Artic.  I just cant watch CPR fall like this. So, Im taking action. First off, Here is a new, More recent uniform. Member: Non member: Now, the Ranks.  As of now, I am clearing all of the ranks.  To get a rank, Comment. Those who were ranked will get there ranks back, or […]

I quit all Armies(Excpet UMA and RR)

Benu2:Sorry I forgot to post this a while ago.   Well I have decided to retire all armies that are not as important as UMA or RR. Those I am big ranks in and I cant leave it. I will continue to work for the CPUN and go on ACP chat to check in but […]

recruiting/to all new recruits

hello everyone this is the first post i wrote ina a while and i t feels good, but enough of that lets get down to buisness to all new recruits- hello everyone! as many of you know that CPR has been going into a slump with losses of many important people, but i am trying […]