Archive | February 2009

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to ktman,benu,and arcticsledder

for the past year or so when the club penguin rangers was at its peak, we were a power to reckonned with -to ktman:  the only reason i wanted you to be in command was becuase i new that i wasnt good enough.  I was realy dissapointed when you ran off with ACP and forgot […]

I Quit.

Well, I think my day has come. Like Ktman, Itachi, and some other people, I guess Im going to retire from CPR. Its just like Itachi said, once you be in a small army, you feel like you need to build up higher.  I had a great time in this army, you guys taught me […]

Lets try and fix this.

As you guys know, we are falling apart.  I say we should spend a whole week trying to get bigger.   We could talk to Red Raiders, who also are appearenly in bad shape, maybe schedule a couple practice wars,  and some other stuff. First, I think we need a headcount though.   If your still active, […]


hi ktman hows it going i was thinking of making a video.  i recently downloaded hypercam[unregisterd] i had an idea of a commando group lost in the middle of  enemy territory. also thought if you could teach me a thing or two about hypercam and how to dowload them on to youtube and i want […]

Takin a break

hi cpr. its been a long time i didnt post. i just need a little break cuz cp is not workin! im messing up with my PSP. oh, i forgot! check out my new site! i deleted uecps cuz i dont have anytime. so…. cya!


Ok, i was going to do this, and then luc offered to merge. i still think we should take it, btu without it, im back where i was. I am getting busy, and i cant work in this army when its not doing anything. I abdicate.

coupla things

Ok, A. i am NOT dead! I was inactive, but im back. B. whoever wrote the stuff about the original, there are many CPRs! get the **** over it!!!!!!!!!!!!! C. NMA has made a merging offer for us. I say we take it. we are going down the tubes FAST. fishpop,benu, arctic and ktman edit […]


ok im angry now.  some idiots left comments on our sites on the CPR NATION page saying that they formed the “original” CPR. They threaten to shut us down.  I WILL BE TRYING TO CONTACKTWORDPRESS TO GET SOME HELP. If you guys are reading this give us the link to your site.