
As some of you may or may not know, I (Ktman) will be retireing as Suprme Commander of the Club Penguin Rangers.  I will also retire from writing posts on all the sites I used to work on.  I know this may be sad to you, but I have some good news that will cheer you up.

  • I will still be participating in the Club Penguin Rangers army.  I will take the role as Cheif Advisor and advise the army on decisions and even have a small say in them.  I may even post some times
  • I will still fight in major CPR Wars.
  • I will still play the game Club Penguin and make a new chat where I can talk to you guys.

I hope this makes you feel better and I hope you understand.  Now, here is my agenda of all the things I will do before I retire.

  • Go to the meeting about the Nacho Government.
  • Take down the army the Dark Warriors for claiming they own our server Klondike. (If this results in war this will be my final battle.)
  • If the Dark Warriors issue does not result in war we will have a set up war of us and the Red Raiders Vs. all.
  • Have a retirement party.
  • Make a final myth on my website Club Penguin Mythbusters.
  • Write a final post for both my websites Club Penguin Rangers and Club Penguin Mythbuster

Thank you for reading and make sure you come to all of these important events.

About Marcus

you looked.

14 comments on “Retireing

  1. I will miis you Ktman, You led this army to many victories.

    Ktman: Thank you. It means a lot.

    Mr. Blubob: That isnt a deliberate thing???? i thought u had fixed it to look that way??!

  3. r u quitting mythbusters too, then?

  4. Wow its been a while. Your site is messed up it wont work. I remember when I was part of the Cub Penguin Mythbusters, those were really fun times. Anyways I hope we still talk see you around!

    Ktman: Jaydude! Wow you used to be my right hand man. Anyway, I hope I can talk to you on CPR Chat.

  5. Sorry you are leaving your agreat leader I will miss you

  6. you are the greatest leader of the CPR,we will miss you!

  7. ktman quited the mythbusters too!

  8. ive seen other armies that their leaders are retiring,why are they retiring? maybe its because of school? or they really want to retire? this is a big question!

  9. But but… Penguin Works pictures, CPUN too?

    Ktman: Yes.

  10. ktman i am not being greedy but does this mean i have control of the mythbuster blog and full control of cpr??
    your friend fishpop

    Ktman: You do have full controll of the Mythbusters blog but you will have to sharre the CPR with Mr. Blubob. He is a great soldier and a great friend and I am sure you will enjoy leading with him. But, you do have to be more active. For a while I wasn’t sure if you’d be ready to lead. Can you please get on a tad more.

  11. ok ktman i was on vacation most of summer and had no acces to a computer

  12. oh and what happened to red destoyez
    Mr. Blubob: He hasn’t been seen in 2 and a half weeks. He only made 2 posts in the 3 weeks before that. Hes been almost dead since Mid-July.

  13. Yo Ktman…..um why r u leaving? Im mean whos gonna lead us?

    Takashiemiko (h)

    Ktman: Though I am leaving I will still play Club Penguin and participate in the CPR to an extent. The main reason i am leavingg is to do better and bigger things with my life.

  14. O and have u seen Red Destoyz? hes been like um how should i put it….hudine.
    o and um u were and always will be a great leader.

    Rangers lead the way!!

    Ktman: Red Detoyz is currently inactive and we don’t know where he is. And, thank you.

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