New Book!

Today in the Book Room, we got to read the winning stories from the second ever Club Penguin Writing Contest!  The winning stories are published together in a book entitled, “Book Room Writing Contest Penguin Tales Spring 2008.”  The stories are, “The Day My Puffle Went On An Adventure” by Chochypop, “All In A Day’s Work” by Sammysays, and “My Puffle’s Party” by Lolliepops10.  All of the stories are fantastic!  You can read them all in the Book Room today!

Happy Reading!



About Marcus

you looked.

2 comments on “New Book!

  1. The CPIP free item is the red hard hat!! Check out your inventory for it it you tested in the CPIP servers!!

  2. oh i didnt notice u put my pic on the top of your header! kool

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