New Newspaper!

Club Penguin newspapers are usually full of, well, news!  And this Thursday’s issue of the Penguin Times was not exception.  Lets take a look inside and see what cool information can be found!  First of all, the winners of the writers contest was chosen today!  The penguins Lolliepop10, Sammysay, Chocypop all won the contest!  Congratulations!  We can’t wait to read your stories tommorow!  Another contest’s winners was also announced today.  This contest was the Medieval Igloo Contest.  25 penguins won the contest so we couldn’t name them all, but congratulations to all these new thosandairs!  Thats it for all the articles we are higlighting today!  Check the newest issue of the Penguin Times for more great articles!

Happy almost TGIF!


P.S. I am working on a cool, new interactive way for me to do posts!  More information on this excting new feature is coming soon!

About Marcus

you looked.

2 comments on “New Newspaper!

  1. I got an awsome new header from Keithyy and it works!

  2. CP RAINMAKERZ are allied with CPUT and we declare war on u!

    Ktman: Okay then, can you please give us a formal invitation for battle, like I’ve been asking for for so long.

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