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Item Coming Soon, New Events Hinted At, New Wallpaer, and Twelve heroes

To start this post off on a high note, the item that the Club Penguin Improvment Project testers are supposed to be getting is going to be in all testers inventetory on May 30th!  Finnaly!  Bad news though, the feature it was supposed to be released on (Penguin Mail) and the new log in feature and player card feature will not be launched on the dtae they where orginally planned to do so (the end of May).  We will all have to wait until June to get a taste of these new feautres because the Club Penguin Team hit some major bugs when designing these features.  We will be geting some good updates soon, which is a good thank you from the CP team from sticking with them through the bugs.


A new wallpaper was released along with a new post on the Club Penguin Developers Blog.  The wallpaper goes along with the Medieval Party and has pictures of the various roles you could have played during the pary.  You can view it on club penguin.com  And the Developers Blog post talked about some new additions to the Community Section of the Club Penguin website.  No specifics yet, but we will probley get some solid info soon.


Recently, Tomtwelve (my favorite video maker ever and good friend!) has made an awesome new video series named, “Twelve Heroes.” In this series Tomtwelve must awaken the Twelve Heroes of Club Penguin that will save Club Penguin from an unkown evil.  Famous penguins such as The Jungle N and Seanehawk have already played there part of heroes, but Tomtwelve still needs more.  He created a sign up sheet for any penuin to become a heroe and guess who signed up.  Me (Ktman)!  I will be taking the role of one of the 12 Heroes in in “12 Heroes!”  I don’t want to reveal the heroe I am playing yet because I want it to be a surprise.  How about you sign up to be a hero!  Go to this link




and comment on the the newest post which hero you would like to be!


See you on You Tube!



About Marcus

you looked.

One comment on “Item Coming Soon, New Events Hinted At, New Wallpaer, and Twelve heroes

  1. Hey! Awesome blog : D Can you add me to your blogroll? If you comment on my site, I will add you. THX!


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