My Opinions On The United Troopers

Recently, I have received many bad comments from the United Troopers and there allies.  They have also written bad posts about us and created pictures of our soldiers dying and being shot.  They now have claimed a war on us and our getting help from all there allies.  Originally, I was going to make an evil post and let all my original feelings be let out in a fiery, red hot blast.  But then I decided to let be more mature about this situation.  Personally, I think the United Troopers are taking this too seriously.  Its fun to run governments, trash talk to other armies, and claim that you are the best.  But when you start telling making fun of me and my army and make pictures of my soldiers being beheaded, you are taking it way too far.  You are playing a children’s game!  A game where you should have fun!  You can claim your arm is the best and join clubs and have fun, but you can’t claim you are going to kill my soldiers and make fun of me so severely just to make yourself have a false sense of pride, covering you are as a person in the real world.  I am not saying I will not fight the United Troopers when they claim a formal war, I am just saying that I think there current actions are childish and will not be tolerated on this site.


Thank you to all who read,



About Marcus

you looked.

2 comments on “My Opinions On The United Troopers

  1. Its just an opinion that you have, so why should I care. Ill make the most of my time on clubpenguiun by doing stuff that is fun. Dont care what ever CPR says and you take those comments to personal.

    Ktman: Please leave this site. This the last comment I will be moderate from you becaue you are extremely immanture and to afraid to wage a war.

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